The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
10 continued ... At a certain time their was a Police car that shone the spot
light at Nora's Orange exterior with a Black interior car and Nora quickly turned
on the heater and fogged up the windows and then almost yelled out can I
get some help here and then the spot light was shut off and Nora was definitely
not religious and was asking help from Satan and or certain Demons with
more power. After almost yelling for help this police quickly shut off
the spot light and drove off. If you had not had the faithful prayers of your Mother and many that
were trying to keep you good enough then you would have been turned dark
and to a DarkSide Human that could not have come back easily to the
11 Look at most the the humans on Saturday Night and most are full fledged possessions. Somebody prayed for this information and if you want to understand where to start then start with Nora and Ted has had enough experiences with Nora to tell you that Ted is certain that Nora is a Demon and is definitely 100% and full fledged a Demon and not a human physically living on Earth and living mostly in the Physical World and also in the Spiritual World. Told Nora lives a lot in the Spiritual World also and really gave you Ted and your Korean genuine born a girl friend and many you were about a bad time for a while. Nora was also channeling with your Korean girl friend and having sex with you through her also and that was true along with almost or every Demon that was a female and or women and or gay in their mind.
12 This is TJCG and I guarantee to you without a doubt that Nora was and is a Demon and I guarantee this is TRUE 100% with some of the Demonic DEMONSTRATIONS I had and conversations and what I over heard. Many acquaintances of Nora and many Nora contacted and was in contact with are going to be and genetically test Demons also. Nora could lead you to Satan and this could be true since Nora lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you focus on Nora then you are going to find many more Demons and possibly Satan. I prayed to God and asked can we find Satan through Nora and told YES indirectly. 13 Ted you heard Satan and certain Demons say that those are not going to make the same mistakes and this is the chance and opportunity and time of ALL on Earth to go after those extreme and not let the or any more evidence get covered up or destroyed or thrown out or burnt up by arson and in fire places and bodies legally or illegally exhumed and cremated. |
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