The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
29 YES some of the movies and in Earths Mass Media that scare you about Satan and Demons are for those to try to scare you off from going after those. 30 Satan and Demons have had a long history of making mistakes and this is the first time that any have pursued those and those are not going to make the same mistakes twice and Satan and certain Demons have already put together detailed lists and laws for those on what those can and cannot do in the Physical World and are going to practically disappear off of anybodies radar and that is going to be true those are trying to tell many and are trying to tell many that you are wasting your time and you are not and you are doing a good to great job some of you are in the FBI and a few in the CIA and a few Jewish and God Followers and Christians that are going after Satan and Demons and any near future clones of those extreme enough. 31 Satan and Demons want to say that nobody is going to find a single Demons or a clone of Satan and any Demons and you are wasting your time extreme. |
32 The LightSide Spirits want to say that you are not wasting your time and Ted is getting much flack and is catching much flack from many people about and around Ted because of the starting of some successful momentum recently and He understands something is up. 33 It would be nice if the FBI would show up at His doorstep and fly Him to Washington D.C. or HQ at Quantico and show Him some progress on what the FBI is doing with the X-Files that Satan and Demons are trying to shut down EXTREME. |
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