The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 3 |
37 If God sins does the entire Universe that is now the much larger defined The Infinite Universe cease to exists? The answer to that is no and Jesus Christ did forgive the adulterous women after asking does anybody here have a sinless past and any without guilt then casts the first stone and Jesus did not condemn her either or stone her and that was and is true and Ted continues to get that this was and is the Second Coming and Return of the Son of man to Earth and He was and is Jesus Christ and that was and is true and you do not have to be baptized to be saved and when Jesus was baptized what was a baptizing sect of Judaism and then you need to realize that Jesus asked John the Baptist for repentance and did not and asked that He be Baptized to cleanse Him for the past of sin and Jesus did fornicate and do certain things that were considered lies and some stealing and not asking before eating certain food for example and it is documented that Jesus broke The Sabbath legally and that was a sin and Satan and Demons did and do nit pick EXTREME and Jesus was caught in many sins also and that was and is the TRUTH. ... continued |
37 continued ... If God has to be perfect then maybe God should leave down on a drop any that want to put that extreme pressure on God. That is not reasonable to try to force God to be perfect. God could tell everybody that anything that God does is perfect no matter what! That would work and then certain trouble makers would start to say that if God did it then is is OK for all of us to do it! That would be a Satan and certain Demons ploy. Is the Pope infallible? The answer to that is a resounding NO and that is the Motus Operandi of Satan and certain religious infiltrating Demons that did that to the Pope. Those had and have many tell tails for gamblers out there that understand tell tails and making the Pope infallible what another attempt to make a human man perfect and make everybody upset and frantic and trying to lead perfect lives or seek perfection and make many miserable. ... continued |
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