The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 1 |
16 To ALL on Earth; you are physically on the same World that Satan and Demons are currently living on and have no clones that have gotten off of Earth yet and are still physically under cover and were very public profile for almost 100 years on Earth and in the USA and in San Francisco and in New York and in Paris and in Amsterdam and in England and in London and in many major cities in the USA on World Earth and their is still much evidence of those and that has not been covered up yet or destroyed or destroyed with arson or lost or into obscurity. 17 To the many on World Earth that think that Ted is a phony and or a fraud you need to review the many Signs and Miracles and Messages worked for Ted by the Earth Angels of Light and that were with vast results and that took extreme efforts to accomplish with the Spiritual Rules for the LightSide. 18 Too ALL Jewish and ALL God Followers and ALL Christians and ALL Humans on Earth you are living in the past and you need to get with the current TJCG Program. 19 He is the One to get the job done and He in the One and is on Earth and we cannot delay or wait or figure out too long or let evidence of those get destroyed and covered up and concealed and this done by those Spiritually and also Physically. |
20 It was Halloween on October 30th of 2000 and I was out at a restaurant getting some food at about the time the sun went down and their were many dressed in Halloween costumes and in Black and Orange color combinations and many in back and black capes and dressed to be witches and vampires and complete black and evil outfits and with white faced make up and dark red or black makeup also for the lips and around the eyes and received some obvious different degrees of hate looks and stares and some if looks could kill looks and those looks through the many humans and DarkSide Humans dressed for this night and celebrating this night and I do not celebrate Halloween in any shape or form. I was wearing Jewish Blue jeans and a Royal Blue T-Shirt and a bright Yellow long sleeve pull over and a Yellow and Christian Blue water proof sailor coat that had a water proof hood and it was cloudy and had been raining and was cold. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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