The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 1 |
25 Their are certain Demons that helped with writing of advanced operating systems and from mainframe to micro computers and designing software and computers and peripheral hardware and you can tell by the names of data structures and the code and entry points and keywords and language used and terminology and "back doors" and that is "sodomy innuendo" and are all over certain operating systems and software and also public domain software where source code is readily available to prove this and much of this was done spiritually through humans and understand the workings of these and physically wrote and write with those hands on the keyboard also and not only through humans spiritually many of the advanced viruses on Earth that are put and used on Earths Internet and can also get passwords and access to your computer network address and Ted prayed for help and for protection from this and told that we will try to help you and protect you from this and cannot always prevent this. 26 It is best to always have the best and latest security and firewall and virus protection and inoculation software always running at all times and to be careful on Earths Internet and to watch out for any attachments to email and Satan and Demons did and do get onto Earths Internet with computers and are in the Physical World also and do many things in the physical world and those abilities to get detailed surveillance on anybody on Earth that allows those to have detailed information on your computers network address and logins and passwords and also have ability to send thoughts to puppet anybody if paying enough from those DarkSide Bank and praying for help does help and protect you and praying frequently helps you more and frequent prayers add up and help a person and the more prayers the better protection from Satan and Demons hacking you and attacking you by hacking through Earths Internet and elsewhere. |
27 Satan and certain Demons order certain computer systems and networks and governments and humans to be targeted for hacker attack from the Internet and through the Internet and also private networks and internal networks and systems that are not connected to the Internet and have phone and modem connections and also can get through the strictest security and firewall protection and that is another method for those to get to a person and to harass and knock down and hurt and slow down and stop a government and company and organization and person. Recently in October of 2000 their were extreme attacks on Israeli computers through Earths Internet by Palestinians that were controlled by Satan and Demons and were Spiritually pupated to attack Israel in this manor. 28 Those were and are definitely in the Physical World in addition to the Spiritual World much more than humans realize and do write and put out on Earths Internet much of the advanced hacking software and hacking information and detailed hacking and terrorist and anarchy and evil information on how to terrorize and hack and harass and destroy and infect and erase and delete and remove and corrupt and change data and the latest virus protection with frequent updates that is constantly running helps and many archives in safe fire and water proof places help and off site archives in very safe places helps. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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