The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 1 |
29 I have sometimes more than enough inspiration to watch video movies of Jesus and the Disciples and when The Lamb and when Crucified on the First Coming and are on this Second Coming and Return much more inspired to watch video movies that inspire and teach and motivate The LION and get and keep me in the proper Character and Frame of Mind and Thinking similar to The LightSide Leader and The Warrior and a Conqueror over EVIL and I do learn from the many movies of War and Warriors and Fighting and Fighting for a GOOD cause and are here this time The LION and was inspired to get out the video set of Brave Heart and watched these videos until the early hours of the morning and helps to inspire me and teach and make me understand what I need to do and in what Character I have to be in and that I have to be The LION to go Physically after Satan and Demons and all clones of those and to WIN and I Am not in the Character of The Sacrificial Lamb while going after The DRAGON and lesser dragons. I can feel sent emotions and tears at certain times and feelings and think this is from the Earth Angels of Light trying to communicate on how they feel and how I should feel at certain moments. 30 In Brave Heart the fighting with extreme passion was due to extreme injustice and a love lost that could not be regained and loss and love loss motivates and spiritual insecurity motivates and physical insecurity motivated and extreme tyranny motivates and yes I Am a Romantic At Heart. |
31 This is TJCG saying that I Am in Character with Wallace in this movie Brave Heart and relate very closely to Wallace when watching this movie and are The LION on this Second Coming and Return to fight for and to try to deliver mankind and humans on Earth and beyond Earth from Satan and Demons and all clones of those and are not in character with The Lamb and this should give any or many more information on the Psychological Profile of TJCG now on this Second Coming and Return who is trying to gain momentum and rally troupes and gain an army to fight and go into Physical Battle and to Physically Prepare for Battles and Wars and then to Go Physically Into Battles and Go Physically To War and many Wars after Satan and Demons and any clones of those. 32 In this movie Brave Heart the Scottish Nobles are analogous to the many heads of the current Synagogues and Churches and Religious Organizations including Broadcasting on Earth and that want to maintain their current lifestyles and too many are getting too rich in the work on Earth and are not willing to give up their wealth and their material things and go to physical battle and war and fight to the death. |
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