The Second Book of The Infinite Universe Department of Defense, 2 |
CHAPTER 2 1 TJCG is asking that the Earth Angels of Light work on inspiring many more movies on Earth and try to make many that are clearly inspired LightSide movies and teach LightSide lessons and teach and inspire and help many to learn what are good character traits and good motives and good causes and good habits and what is good and them to feel inspired when watching these movies. 2 Because something is graphic and has violence does not categorize this a movie that is not inspired or not mostly from good and their were and are many battles and wars that were fought for good causes that were and are fought and in the future when you are face to face with Satan or a Demon or any clone of those you are going to have to drop or kill those and you may get bloody and yourself and hands stained with those blood and this is not murder and those and all clones of those have death warrants above their heads and have bounties on them and are to be dropped or killed and all remains cremated and no parts kept that can be used for future cloning until completely eradicated. A few bodies can be kept under extremely tight security to prove their are non Humans on Earth and then need to be cremated and nothing remaining that can be used to clone and for cloning in the end. |
3 Joan of Ark that was out in 1999 was another good movie about battles and war and going to war for a good cause and I also watched that movie and felt very inspired by Joan of Ark for her dedication and conviction and fighting spirit and reverence and respect and love for Christ and God and was implied in this movie that God and Christ are One in the same also and this was also a LightSide Inspired Movie and Story and a Modern Day Parable that we can learn from and teaches more good than evil. She went into hand to hand combat with many soldiers for a good cause and their cause and this was a time of physical war and hand to hand combat and we have to if this is what is takes go after and get into hand to hand combat with Satan and Demons and any and all clones of those. 4 YES I have been told many times with loud voices that many movies were inspired and are considered LightSide and teach and inspire and instruct and help many with LightSide values and morals and motives and their conviction and causes to fight for and what to fight against and the Earths Mass Media is not all from EVIL and is also inspired by GOOD and their are many movies that are predominantly from and controlled by the Good Spirits in the past and in the present and definitely is going to be more in the future. |
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