The Second Book of Judgment, 9 |
27 continued ... It is written in Revelation that Jesus Christ returns with large armies of Angels and Angels of Light to go to WAR with Satan and Demons and the many forces of EVIL that are Clones of Those and also DarkSide Humans in the future and this happens in 1000 years or so after Earth Desolation. That was a deception similar to how Isaiah 9:6 is a deception and actually Isaiah 9:6 was the TRUTH and the DECEPTION was that Jesus was the Son of God and then more EXTREME was the taking that and TURNING this into a God Head and a Triune God and a Trinity. Well how many idiot Christians bought into that and still buy into that and let their Churches indoctrinate them and feed them and spoon fed them and shut up and only listen to the LIES and DECEPTIONS and get TEACHED TO and PREACHED AT? Far too many! This is starting to hurt and Satan and Demons are considering an Out Bid for a DarkSide Blockade. How much is that on the current Price List for Ted and what can we do to Ted and what can we do to Ted and what can we do to mess with Ted? ... continued |
27 continued ... Well these many questions are constantly getting asked and negotiated and Price Lists for Ted change considering how much Ted had Done and Verbalized and Said and More and how much RESIDUAL their is and how much Atonement He has given and how much Repentance He has show and how much restitution He has given and or shown through Works. Now we are going to get into works again and focusing on Results instead of forgiveness. SO Satan and Demons then pull out the big gun and this is John 3:16 and try to get some to many to believe that forgiveness is for any that believe and then these get eternal life and that was and is not true and precludes Judgment and is an extreme deception. Yes and too many lazy and lax and whatever Christians want to believe this and then believe this! Yes and some to many Christians are SCOFFING at your telling many that Orthodox Jewish and many Good Enough Jewish and better than Christians due to their non belief in a God Head and or a Triune God and or a Trinity. Well it is TRUE that their was only 1 God and is still only 1 God that is a Living God or 1 God period. ... continued |
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