The Second Book of Judgment, 9 

31 continued ... This is to be applied to ALL Spiritual Living Things and non Spiritual Living Things and at different degrees for Living Things that are getting a Degree of a Punishment Next Life and are SECURED on a Punishment World or a Hell World or Alive in Hell. Their are to be NO Living Things that are on non Punishment Worlds and Hell Worlds and in Hell that do not at least have some to most to ALL settings set to ON for ALL NICE and WHOLESOME and GOOD! For Punishment Worlds and Hell Words and in Hell then their can and are going to be settings that are to the EXTREME DEGREES of MEAN and or WICKED and or EVIL and many living in EXTREMELY INSECURE SITUATIONS and in most cases getting what is deserved or getting more with vengeance or VENGEANCE FACTORS from THE ONE GOD and in the future THE ALMIGHTY THE ONE GOD! ... continued 

31 continued ... From the past and from this point forward and into the future their is going to still be and is actually going to be severe Punishment for any Higher Level Beings and then Middle Level Beings and then Lower Level Beings and then People and then Real People and any more Living Things that are intelligent enough to get a Judgment due to the fact that THE ONE GOD is EXTREMELY FOCUSED AND UPSET AND HAD ENOUGH of the bad attitudes and undermining and contempt and sabotage and plotting and tempting and temptations and manipulations and lust and emotional manipulations and envy and jealousy and games and plotting and plots and tricks and going against and directly going against and opposing and going opposite and slowing down and hindering and from degrees of evil hypnosis and bad and or wicked and mostly evil and any form of takeover and much more. ... continued 

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