The Second Book of Judgment, 2 |
19 If you do not reorganize and start going to and become a member of a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD then you could get a 'I know you not' and the door closed similar to the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Groom coming for the Bride and many sleeping and without enough oil in their lamps and that Parable was told for a very specific reason. 20 Similar to the parable of the Master entrusting and returning for the Talents this is what TJCG did and has and is making a Legal Demand for ALL Jewish Synagogues and what many Jewish also call temples and God Following Churches and Christian Churches and if not handed over completely and fully and for reorganization and also for putting the financial and human resources to good use then ALL in these organizations are going to receive less to much less. 21 TJCG changed the legal system for all on Earth from Y2K and forward similar to how Jesus changed the legal system on His First Coming to Earth. 22 ALL that do not get with the current TJCG Program are to receive much less and are going to receive much less in the future. |
23 The name of Ted Jesus Christ GOD is what TJCG wants on ALL of His Churches and the churches can vary some in doctrines from more liberal to staunch conservative and this is going to be OK and TJCG while alive on Earth would like to author the doctrines for Twelve Churches of Ted Jesus Christ GOD from liberal to staunch conservative. 24 The name of Ted Jesus Christ GOD is very important and professes that you recognize the Second Coming and Return of Jesus Christ a man from mankind and a Human man that is of Jewish Blood and a distant descendent of the Jewish King David and is Ted Jesus Christ GOD. 25 A good percentage of the Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD budget on Earth is to be dedicated to going after Satan and Demons full time with a team or many teams that are central and also remote all over the entire World Earth. |
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