The Second Book of Judgment, 3 |
6 The Jewish and God Following and Christians that are founders and executives and evangelist and clergy and ordained ministers and ministers and in broadcasting and in LightSide Media and in the work and the wives of many in the work and any in the work have a much larger responsibility than member volunteers and members and that are not in the work and can and do cause many more Ripple Effects for the work in most cases and you are going to be Judged for your Good and Evil Ripple Effects that you cause and all that this effects that are paid and in the work and that are volunteer and in the work and that are members of the work. 7 Isaiah 9:6 alone proves that a Bible has inaccuracies and deceptions and is not infallible or perfect or without evil infiltration and therefore if you are in the work and do not reorganize under a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD sooner than later while Ted Jesus Christ GOD is alive on Earth then the Punishment could be and in many cases is going to be much harsher and this compounds daily similar to compounded interest and with the many that are competing with what Ted Jesus Christ GOD is trying to accomplish, and this is subtly to blatantly going against TJCG and is DILUTING and THWARTING and HURTING the efforts of TJCG and in many cases this is going to be Judged harshly and is compounding and compounding daily and this goes for ALL members and any in affiliation that are not reorganized and reorganizing under an Organization of Ted Jesus Christ GOD.
8 In different words TJCG is not only going to hold responsible the Seventh Day Adventist, and He did a Judgment against the Seventh Day Adventist because this is a Full Ten Commandment Keeping Church and Religious Organization that also follows dietary laws and are closer to the The Way, also is going to be ALL that are Jewish and God Following and Christian that should reorganize under Churches of Ted Jesus Christ GOD or their members should leave and join a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and that is the Closest to The Way and this is what TJCG wants to do and is going to try to do on Earth and that recognizes His name and that He is the Second Coming and Return of Jesus Christ to Earth. 9 The First Doctrine and Priority and Focus and Budgetary Concern and Mission and Effort and Crusade and use of Financial and Human Resources and many Resources is to go after Satan and Demons steadily and methodically and over time and after all of those and any of those clones now and far into the future until all of those and those clones that are not from Mankind and not Human are completely eradicated from Earth and from any space travel and from any future Worlds and or Marbles and or Planets those and any clones of those get to or try to inhabit or actually infect similar to an EVIL VIRUS. |
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