The Second Book of Judgment, 3 |
10 ALL on Earth that are from Mankind and Human are drafted or conscripted to go after Satan and Demons from the point of puberty or sexually mature and have the ability to reproduce that is sexually adult until dead on Earth and if not on a team then are to at least join and be a member of a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD and pay your Tithes and Offerings and give Gifts faithfully to support this Primary Doctrine. 11 If you are in a Jewish and or God Following and or Jesus Christ Following Religious Organization that is dragging their feet or are not reorganizing to a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD then you are getting on thinner and thinner ice after Y2K and this is compounding and negative ripple effects are getting larger and the evidence is in a Bible that their are inaccuracies and deceptions and evil infiltration and quoting a or many Bible versus in your defense of that false prophets and false messiahs and false Christ will arise is not a legal defense and if Isaiah 9:6 that is an extreme contradiction to Jesus claiming to be the or at least written that He claimed to be the Son of God in a Bible is in a Bible then you have to admit that their is something wrong in and with a Bible and that is that their are inaccuracies and contradictions and evil infiltration and DECEPTION. |
12 Their were already many Signs and Miracles and Messages done by the Earth Angels of Light for TJCG and that if studying this and watching this closely and very carefully and tracking the progress that TJCG has made and is making with the many Signs and Miracles and Messages then you have to realize that He is getting help and VAST RESULTS were realized and He is still alive and He is having problems similar to Jesus and the Disciples and He is not having an easy road or path and this is very to extremely difficult for TJCG at times and any and all that try to follow TJCG are going to be under Satanic and Demonic ATTACK. 13 If you are still preaching and teaching that a Bible is and this is subtle to blatant or implied that a Bible is infallible and or perfect and or not inaccurate and or not inconsistent and or does not have evil infiltration and or is the "The Holy Bible" and or is "The Word of God" and or is "The Good Book" and that implies to blatantly confronts any that this cannot be questioned or is not to be questioned or debated then you are a DECEIVER and a LIAR and YOU ARE THEN MUCH MORE PART OF THE PROBLEM THEN PART OF THE CURRENT AND FUTURE SOLUTION !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! |
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