The Second Book of Judgment, 3 |
14 For many that are and continue to do that and do not reorganize under a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD then you are in many cases getting minimum Eternal Death or Resurrection on a Grade of a Hell World and are much more part of the problem than part of the solution. 15 To verbalize I do not believe it is not a legal defense and this is a post hypnotic suggested used by Satan and Demons that was and is programmed into your brain to make you and your brain shut down similar to a steel door and trap and not stay and be open to the TRUTH and your beliefs that many times are a lie and the word lie is in the word belief are going to get you and many you effect Eternal Death or a or many Ranges of a Punishment Next Life and and many that think you are saved for Heaven or a Heaven Grade Planet are not and are not saved or saved enough for that and many have been and are teaching and preaching DECEPTION. 16 Satan and Demons do use hypnosis and hypnotic suggestions and hypnotic keywords and post hypnotic suggestions and program and reprogram and the phrase 'I do not believe it' is a phrase that shuts a person down with feelings sent of upset and disgust or feelings that this is from evil and is used to condition and program and close their mind to many times The TRUTH and The TRUTH is what you should be seeking and not what you believe or do not believe or what you want to believe or did not want to believe and The TRUTH is what you should be seeking. |
17 If you get in early with TJCG and the earlier the better and if you help to found or organize a Church of Ted Jesus Christ GOD or to reorganize an existing Synagogue or Church you will be much more Blessed and or Rewarded and Covered and Protected and Helped and or given more Mercy and or Grace and or Forgiveness for any past negative Ripple Effects and Harm Done and Problems Caused by what you Did and Verbalized and Thought and More and waiting or delaying or diluting the efforts of TJCG and or any subtle to blatant going against of TJCG. |
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