The Second Book of Judgment, 4 |
3 This is an Official Judgment of TJCG and The Earth Angels of Light are to start at least Twelve Competing Churches to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and to BLESS them enormously and compete directly and take members from the Seventh Day Adventist Church in large numbers and expand in non target areas the most and expand abroad and can also expand in the USA and do not put an HQ in Washington D.C. that is the largest target area in the USA and this is to continue and is not to be stopped until TJCG reverses this Judgment that currently He is not planning on reversing. 4 Good enough Clergy and Ministers and Pastors of the Seventh Day Adventist that start up a competing Church Organization can pray earnestly and listen very carefully and search for the answer and The Earth Angels of Light are to try their best to get past any DarkSide deceptions and any evil infiltration and prayer deceptions and impress and inspire this to happen and BLESS them if chosen and Good enough for this and for founding a directly competing Church Organization to the Seventh Day Adventist. 5 The criteria is to not base any doctrine on the writings of Ellen G. White and to stay with a Bible and emphasize the Keeping of ALL Ten Commandments that include The Sabbath that is from Sundown Friday to Sundown Sabbath Day and OBEY the dietary and health laws and that include no pork and no bacon and no ham and no pig of any kind and no unclean meat or fish or foods and healthy foods and ... continued ... |
5 continued ... healthy drinks and no alcoholic drinks and no street drugs and no drugs that are not necessary and no genetically engineered foods and are to emphasize much less fornication and many more virgins and extreme virgin protection and how to protect the virgins and more virgins at the wedding alters and getting married at a much younger age in the last year of academy or the first years of college and clearing up contradictions that are apparent in a Bible and trying to figure out the TRUTH and not only beliefs and doctrines and a church organizations beliefs and what "The Church" believes and trying to reduce divorce and offering more help for pre-marital counseling and marriage counseling and pre-divorce counseling and trying to prevent divorce and making going after Satan and Demons a doctrine and then are going to be closer the The Way than the Seventh Day Adventist and do not need to emphasize a medical missionary work that ends up similar to regular medical and dental schools and hospitals and medical centers and that for the SDA Church for a vast majority are not medical missionary work anymore and if you do this and are Good enough to found and startup and tough out starting up a competing Church Organization to the Seventh Day Adventist that is new and improved and more to the right and closer to The Way that is closer to Good Jewish and Good Judaism and Good Virgin Protecting Jewish Families then you are going to be and are to be BLESSED to VERY BLESSED to VERY VERY VERY BLESSED AND MORE !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! |
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