The Second Book of Judgment, 4 |
6 YES if doing this you are also going to be under ATTACK by Satan and Demons and those ATTACK EXTREME and if closer to The Way and if starting up a Church Organization that is closer to The Way then you are going to also be under severe Satanic and Demonic ATTACK and are going to need to pray and pray frequently and pray often and be very good and to the right. 7 This is TJCG and I have been hearing many voices telling me that this is a very good current strategy that the Earth Angels of Light want to do and are going to BLESS much more than the Seventh Day Adventist and are going to HELP with RECRUITING from the Seventh Day Adventist Churches and this is TRUE and this is TJCG and if nothing else I Am At Least A True Prophet and this I do believe to be TRUE and actually I do believe that I Am Much More Than A True Prophet and if you are calling all that claim to be prophets after the time of Jesus false prophets then how did and do the Seventh Day Adventist claim that Ellen G. White was and is a prophet and she did not have the many Signs and Miracles and Media Messages and results of Judgment that I have had and this is TJCG saying I Am The JUDGE and this is the truth and any startups and spin offs and competing Church Organizations with the Seventh Day Adventist Church are to be if the founders are Good enough then are to be BLESSED to VERY BLESSED to VERY VERY VERY BLESSED AND MORE while the Seventh Day Adventist Church and related Organizations are to be shrunk. |
8 You can start out in homes and in parks and in public places that are free or rent space and you do not need at first permanent Church buildings and that much brick and mortar to start that are not at full capacity and are not full with at least three services on Friday Evening and Sabbath Morning and Afternoon for the late risers and if not full enough then this waste many times hard earned Tithes and Offerings and Gifts and can have Sites on Earths Internet and start up a broadcast also. 9 This is a very good interim strategy until many can figure out who TJCG is and if He is The One. 10 YES to ALL Seventh Day Adventist Ministers and Clergy and in The Work you could be CHOSEN to start up a Church that is closer to The Way and better to much better than the Seventh Day Adventist Church. 11 Earnest prayer and constant prayer and fasting and praying and praying with your spouse and with family and any and all that are thinking of co founding a new Church is going to help. |
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