The Second Book of Judgment, 4 |
12 Do you understand how much of a problem the Seventh Day Adventist Church has with fornication out of sacred wedlock and marriage and before the wedding and how many non virgins are getting married with no proof of their virginity or hymen in tact and Good Jewish and Good Judaism and the Tradition of the white sheet under her on the night of the wedding are still enforced in many Good Jewish families and until marriage the boarding academies and colleges and universities should be gender secured with regular very carefully chaperoned meetings and then quickly married with no long dating and or engagements that is always too long and causes too many to fall into fornicating and leaving the church and turned to DarkSide Humans while waiting and this is a fundamental problem with the entire Seventh Day Adventist Church and their grade schools to post graduate schools and are far too many young people fornicating around and put into proximity to fornicate around and given too many opportunities to fornicate around with too trusting faculty. |
13 This is TJCG and I went to Seventh Day Adventist Grade Schools and Seventh Day Adventist Day Academies and Seventh Day Adventist Boarding Academies and Seventh Day Adventist College and University and was plenty of ready and willing girls and young women and young females and women and females that wanted to fornicate around and were sluts and whores and almost in certain instances requiring a lucrative degree and or expensive dates and or gifts and showering with gifts and flowers prostitutes and similar to prostitutes some were and were trying to land the pre-medical or pre-dental student or medical or dental student or resident and going after the earnings potential and the lifestyle and prestige and too many had and have my dad is a doctor or dentist syndrome. 14 With extremely few exceptions the Seventh Day Adventist doctors and dentist are absolutely not medical missionaries and make and keep far too much of their money and this is a truth that is going to be judged in many cases harshly and too many did not learn from the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler. |
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