The Second Book of Judgment, 4 |
33 If you did or do something that you are ashamed of then you should have not done this in the first place and in Judgment their may be many details revealed and some Judgments may be open court for many to any and this is then going to show how the justice system worked and works and how many were Judged and are Judged and similar to USA Courts many in Judgment are going to be awake if not physically then mentally and similar to a Vivid Dream and in an Open Court Room. 34 If we are in a system of SAVED and LOST and the Harvest is not allowing for ALL on Earth from the Past and the Present and the Future to be uploaded and then Judged then the loose organization of the Seventh Day Adventist Schools from Elementary through Graduate University did and are getting many KILLED and also their loose weddings and loose families and loose dating and allowing dating and allowing un-chaperoned dating and allowing them to date too long and allowing them to be engaged too long and parents urging them to WAIT and that is an ENORMOUS MISTAKE and parents should be urging them to get married when legally old enough to be married and matched and before getting too involved and committing too much fornication and this is closer to The Way. |
35 Saturday Night is the worst night for all Seventh Day Adventist and this is the worst night for fornication overboard until in the water and sometimes get too far from the boat for the nets and an easy save and this is TJCG and I keep getting LOUD AND CLEAR that we are on a system of SAVED and LOST on World Earth! 36 THE HYMAN WAS CREATED FOR A SPECIFIC REASON and she is only suppose to bond and have that broken in by her husband and with no exceptions to that and this is TJCG and I keep getting loud and clear that we are under a system of SAVED and LOST on World Earth !!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! |
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