The Second Book of Judgment, 5 |
10 Ted you just described yourself and oops that could have gone better for Ted and that is the point of the Earth Angels of Light exactly and that is not their point and that was from Satan and Demons to try to make Ted look bad and evil and mean and upset and too hard and He is The LION and HE is trying to get results from many that accept Ellen G. White and yet use the verse in Mathew and pull this out and read this with authority and that false prophets and false Christ may arise and then shut the Bible and end of discussion and that is it! 11 Why do you think that Satan and Demons coined the word Profit that is similar to Prophet and Ellen G. White fits that profile exactly and her descendents fit that profile more and are GREEDY and into the money and were and have and are getting RICH over the writings of Ellen G. White that is a True Prophet and many are saying we do not think so. 12 Well the Spiritual LightSide is wanting to say that that was an ACCUSATION by Satan and Demons and sometimes the accusations are true and accepted or many AGREE with the accusations and then that is a problem for the person or human that is getting accused. |
13 Well at Y2K you need to realize that Ted took everything from everybody on Earth and that was a profit move and maneuver and that was not and that was for more control. 14 OK so you need to realize that so is used by Satan and Demons and that is true and is a habit that dies hard and those are extremely upset and cannot wait until the problems start to happen with Ted again and do you realize that Ellen G. White had servants and people working for her in her estate and was rich and was traveling constantly and did or does that sound inline with a persecuted prophet of old and a persecuted Ted who currently is doing very poorly. 15 Maybe Satan and Demons are doing that on purpose to make Ted poor and to look similar to Jesus and into self sacrifice and not into rich and similar to a Prophet that was not suppose to be only for the Seventh Day Adventist and if a true prophet should be for all on Earth and all. |
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