The Second Book of Judgment, 5 |
16 Then why do the Seventh Day Adventist control her writings and through the Review and Herald Publishing Association and their goes the Assets word again and has that etiology and those or many that are Human those at the Seventh Day Adventist Church are getting hot and bothered by the pervious Judgments and are getting to the point that those are going to start feeling the results and seeing the results with the decreased Tithes and Offerings and Gifts and are going to be squeezed and also why are Ellen G. Whites books so expensive in comparison to much religious literature in these times. 17 It is the Signs of the Times and is GREED over NEED and the writings of Ellen G. White are far too expensive for most to afford a full set. 18 Cost you a mint to buy a full set of Ellen G. White books and yet when Ted put that He was charging for this website and material for at least 40 years or until 2040 to support self then many cried that He was in this for the profit and was a false profit and or a false Christ. 19 I sure hope that was not and was from some Seventh Day Adventist and if that argument is true and works then Ellen G. White fails the tests of a True Prophet and could be a False Prophet or actually more accurately a Profit. |
20 Let's just roast Ellen G. White in this Judgment and that thought was from Satan and certain Demons in Ted's human pea brain. 21 OK so Satan and Demons are getting in here more than the Spiritual LightSide and maybe true. 22 Ted you are a stupid idiot but whatever Ted. 23 We get it! 24 What do you get? 25 That this is getting messed up by the DarkSide or maybe the DarkSide of the LightSide. 26 OK OK OK so Judgment does not get 100% Spiritual LightSide in here to help you Ted with your thoughts and stray thoughts and many thoughts in your brain. |
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