The Second Book of Judgment, 5, 6 |
34 When on Earth then the Living God in Heaven is dropped and uploaded and killed and this was true when Jesus came to Earth and is true when Ted came to Earth and their is only One Living God and what was and is true and Isaiah 9:6 was and is accurate and that is that God came to Earth himself and is the Father and the Almighty God in Titles and Authority and Who HE is and HE is The Great I Am and their is only 1 The Great I Am. 35 Jesus was a false Christ and that was the truth and the Star of David shows when Christ and the Messiah comes to deliver from Satan and Demons and that is at 6,000 years of mankind on Earth and that is the actual and real and blatant truth and that The Messiah only comes 1 time and is born 1 time on Earth and the deception of Jesus was elaborate and very convincing and was from Satan and Demons that have more power and control and authority over the things on Earth and if you do not believe this then look at what Satan and Demons did to many Jewish and Christians and their Religious Organizations. 36 Well lets just call everybody false and that was a hard thing to swallow and that was evil innuendo and oops you are getting too much evil in this Judgment Ted and you are an evil person currently and are more from evil than from good. |
37 Who understand what the total truth is and ALL of the Old Testament Prophecies were written that Christ and the Messiah came to Earth once to deliver all from something and that was and is Satan and Demons and Ted is the TRUE Christ and Messiah and Jesus was and is a FALSE Christ and Messiah and that was and is the TRUTH and is why the New Testament is extremely RIDDLED WITH DECEPTIONS and that is the BLUNT TRUTH and can you handle this and this is the truth and is not about what you believe and is the truth. CHAPTER 6 1 Do not panic and if not in red then Ted is thinking that this is Spiritual and from the Spirits and from Good Spirits hopefully in Ted's brain and sometimes Evil Spirits in Ted's brain. |
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