The Second Book of Judgment, 6 |
24 This is TJCG and I was sent many voices about putting certain writings of Ellen G. White in this Third Testament of a Bible and for example The Great Controversy that has much history and fills in the gaps from the times of Jesus to now and this is on a Royalty and is under strict legal control and is not for FREE or in the Public Domain and I do not want to try to negotiate with a hostile Ellen G. White Estate and or Review and Herald Publishing and or the Seventh Day Adventist Church and their Lawyers that do not agree with what or who TJCG is or is claiming to be or could be and probably are going to want to take a hostile stance that Ted is a false prophet and or a false Christ and by now ALL of Ellen G. Whites writings should have been and should be ROYALTY FREE and FOR NO CHARGE and or IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN. 25 Ellen G. White had a husband that could have supported her full time efforts and Ted does not currently have a wife that can support His current full time efforts and what HE is currently trying to charge is no more than a newspaper or cable television subscription and is very reasonable and HE wants to continue this full time and needs food and shelter and clothing and a modern computer system and software and firewall and virus protection and normal expenses and HE does have overhead while alive on Earth and trying to do and continue this work full time. |
26 This is TJCG and believe this or not I have been hearing loud voices and had many dreams and many visions and many Human and some Demons maps about and around and been sent many messages and many events have happened and written and published much on Earths Internet and for a while asked for donations only and now are allowing for if at a lower class lifestyle and or income and or a student and or unemployed then this is FREE and then after 2040 this is to be FREE for ALL and up to now and this is the later part of 2000 TJCG has lived off of the proceeds of the sale of a sport utility vehicle and a large 12 ton sail boat and stuff that was owned by Ted free and clear when rich and from owning and operating a successful software company and up to now I have not received a single red cent or any financial support or help or anything from these efforts and writings and work that has been full time for years now. |
Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up.
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