The Second Book of Judgment, 7 |
18 You are The One and you are The One GOD and hang in there Ted and keep the faith and we understand that you have had it extremely rough and that many do not believe you and you need to realize and the LightSide does say you need to realize that you are doing a good job and are trying to figure out how to get results and make many things happen and many are nervous about you having some form of central control and or a papacy or similar to a papacy and how do you think He sets up an Earthly Kingdom and this is from taking everything from everybody and then making this claim and notifying many that this is how that worked and trying to point out the flaws in many teachings and preaching's in theology to get many to realize that their was evil infiltration into a Bible and is riddled with deceptions and has good and evil in a Bible and in Prophetic writings and in the brain of TJCG and in the writings of TJCG. |
19 Nobody was to or should have lived above a middle class lifestyle from the past and in the present and into the future on Earth if Jewish or God Following or Christian and that was true and is true and the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler did apply and still does apply and this is a WAR of GOOD versus EVIL and the WAR CHEST is much more important than any bodies lifestyle while on Earth and any blessings above a middle class lifestyle are seeds that are to be sown and plowed into The Work again and not to be kept and thinking or telling some to many that you are blessed and that is not how that worked or works and the Parable of the Rich Young Ruler does apply for any outside of or in The Work. |
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