The Second Book of Judgment, 7 |
27 You need to realize that the Trinity that was started in Christ time and then later and by the Catholic Church was and is a deception and their was only The One Living God and their is only The One Living God and when this is all over on Earth and elsewhere their is still going to be only The One Living God. 28 Ted you are similar to Moses and much more and are trying to DELIVER many from the and that are ENSLAVED with Satan and Demons in their Brains and Bodies and are going to be many clones of those in the too near future in their Brains and Bodies and cannot get over the fact that their was only The One Living God and their are only The One Living God and their is going to be The One Living God and this is a major contention with and was with Satan and the many Demons and Ted finally figured out that there can only be The One Living God who is also The Supreme Being and who was and is The Creator and the original Creator of ALL Living Created Life and their is much of this in Revelation that tries to set many records straight and Ted is trying to set many records straight and HE is The One on Earth and HE is The One Living God and that is that The Way that worked and that is The Way that is and HE is The Way. |
29 Jesus did not write a single book in the New Testament and relied on Disciples and witnesses and their are no written accounts from the hands of Jesus who was an educated enough Rabbi and had written skills and was not perfect and was not sinless and was not infallible and that was another deception and Jesus did not stone the adulterous women when stating that any without sin could cast the first stone and then Jesus did not cast the first stone or condemn her either and Jesus also asked to be baptized and was asked by John the Baptist "do you repent" and that is not documented anywhere and the dove did descend or was that an actual dove or was that a metaphor for something else? |
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