The Second Book of Judgment, 7 |
35 I scoured the writings of Ellen G. White and to purchase all of her writings is extremely expensive and is probably over $1,000 US Dollars and in my family are many born and raised Seventh Day Adventist and have many or could be all of her writings and I looked through many of her writings and their was nothing that was written that wrote verbatim or almost verbatim of what she heard or of the many accusations and were some accusations and not many and what she thought were lies and deception and that could have been truth. 36 Why is this very important and that is that if she was told again and again and again that Christ and the Messiah was having a Second Coming and Return a human man and was born on Earth a descendent of the Jewish King David then maybe that was her primary job and instead she chose to stay inline with a Bible and should have at least written this if she heard this and she could have written that she does not understand where this was from for sure and that this could have been from God or Good Spirits. With the loud voices this is similar to a party line or a citizen band radio and you hear voices and do not understand who the voices are from and many or any could be lying and deceiving about their true identities. With voices and dreams and visions their can be some to much deception also and you are not guaranteed an exclusive transmission only from good and many times have evil deception or what many think is from good is from evil and this can be extremely confusing. |
37 From now on and into the future True and Good and more Accurate Prophets write much more of what is heard and do not edit out what they think is evil or deception or a lie and can edit out swearing and cussing and perversion and cussing similar to and more than worst pimps and too much personal information or character assassination and about family and friends and personal information and character assassinations of them and things that if written may get you into legal trouble and Satan tried to get me to threaten for example The President of the United States in writing and write many things that were threats and tried to get me to look similar to and qualify a Terrorist and tried to get me under a Search and Seizure and prosecuted and then thrown into Prison to shut me up and shut down my important work including much work on Earths Internet that should actually HELP the FBI and USA and their National Security and the Security of Earth in the future and before many can figure this out and answer the question of why is Earth getting Darker the cloning momentum is going to get out of control on Earth and Satan and Demons that have large Spiritual Power cannot be everywhere all of the time currently for all of the Human Inhabitants on Earth and with many more clones of Satan and the largest Demons then their can be a Channel Lock and constant communication amongst them and a Total Coverage of Earth and could be more in the Infinite Universe if not Covered Up on Earth instead of those Doing The Map. |
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