The Second Book of Judgment, 8 |
3 A True Prophet should write down what is heard and more of what is heard and not only what is thought to be the truth or what is inline with a Bible and or current beliefs and or doctrines and then edit out the remainder and that is the right thing to do considering how much past and current deception is in past and current religion and beyond religion on and for Earth that needs to be set straight. 4 This is Ted and I do need to many times lay flat on my back and on a bed and for many hours and listen to what is said and sometimes get flashes of video and visions and dreams and in a state of resting or sleep and this is how that works and are many voices and sometimes vivid dreams and visions and feelings also and physiological responses and sometimes physiological attacks and if not writing down more of what was and is heard and experienced then their is much missed and could be much that is TRUTH and not a deception or a lie or a false accusation and any future Prophets are to write down much more of what is heard and not edit that much and not try to edit out what is thought to be evil and or deception and or lies and can edit out swearing and cussing and too much perversion and personal information about self and family and friends and anything that could get you into current legal problems. |
5 The only reason that Ellen G. White understood and could write that Satan was the most enormous liar around was that she heard many of these lies or what she thought were lies and from Satan and then you have her write about many deceptions and how did she understand that these were all deceptions and from Satan and then she wrote about many things heard from evil and how did she understand that this was only from evil and could have been some to much from good and were trying to set some to many records straight and if carefully staying in line with a Bible and previous written works then you are going to never set or get any records set straight if EDITING OUT all that is thought to be a deception or a lie or from evil ! Satan was not literally a snake or a serpent for example in the Garden of Eden and did not give up a brain and body similar to a man to deceive Eve and if you really believe that then you are really not thinking clearly and that was a story written by Moses with no frame of reference that was not accurate. |
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