The Second Book of Judgment, 8 |
12 If a Prophet or much more than a Prophet I do plan to before or by 2040 to put ALL of my works out Royalty Free and For No Charge and also into the Public Domain for every Jewish and God Follower and Christian and for any Followers of TJCG and for ALL on Earth and are not going to be and do not plan to be sect or denomination specific and what Ellen G. White did with her writings and did with them after her death was an ENORMOUS MISTAKE that has encumbered her writings and make them too expensive for purchasing an entire hard copy set and by now should have all been on Earths Internet totally for FREE and for no CHARGE and in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. 13 This is TJCG and I understand that Satan and certain Demons can and do perform Prayer Deceptions and because you are praying or in prayer does not guarantee that you are not going to be deceived in Prayer with answers received and I do think that a Prayer Deception costs the DarkSide and is similar to a bidding system and I have heard some bidding and Satan can and does also sometimes Play God and also did a few times Play Jesus or this seemed that this was Satan Playing God and that this was Satan Playing Jesus and you cannot always tell for sure what was and is INSPIRED or from GOOD or TRUTH and sometimes what you think is that is from evil and is deception and is a lie and or a partial truth and this is why it is better to not edit too much and write almost everything and DO NOT EDIT TOO MUCH if a future Human TJCG Physical Instance or a future Human TJCG Prophet. |
14 A Human TJCG Physical Instance is to be a Man while a Human TJCG Prophet can be either a Man or a Women or a Female that is a descendent of TJCG and only a descendent of TJCG and NO EXCEPTIONS. 15 When CHOSEN a Human TJCG Physical Instance or a Human TJCG Prophet this is for their entire life or the remainder of their life after starting to hear loud voices and getting dreams sent and having visions and this cannot and is not going to stop or cease when this starts. 16 TJCG currently has only two daughters that can be traced and are two branches from TJCG and hopefully He can have more and is willing to have more with certain Jewish and God Following and Christian Women and Females and that will raise and fully support them their selves and take full custody and responsibility and hopefully some are going to be in non target areas and or moved to non target areas and then are to make and carefully keep copies of everything TJCG has written and teach their descendents about TJCG and their descendents and their descendents and on and on and on and more until this mess on Earth is ended. |
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