The Second Book of Judgment, 8 |
30 You can get many FREE copies of many Bibles on Earths Internet that are full of True Prophets and also certain Religious Writings and you cannot get the entire set of all Ellen G. Whites writings for FREE on Earths Internet and their are still many writings that are not compiled and published and this should ALL be for FREE on Earths Internet if she was a True Prophet and not a FALSE PROFIT. 31 This is an OFFICIAL JUDGMENT OF TJCG and reverses a previous Judgment and if ALL of Ellen G. Whites writings are put out on Earths Internet and for anybody to use and to publish hard copy Royalty Free and for No Charge and completely for FREE and into the Public Domain than she is going to be Judged a True Prophet and she and or any Earth Angels of Light working on this have until 2040 to accomplish this and make this happen and the sooner the better. |
32 Their are many today that Heal and work healing Miracles and cast out Demons and do many things that are similar to Jesus and the Demons casting out seem to be extremely staged and if not by the Humans then by Satan and Demons and an example of this and of a person that is extremely popular with doing this is Benny Hinn that TJCG is told is getting this power and ability from Satan and the Demons and from the DarkSide. 33 Do not not think that the many Healing Miracles and definitely the Demons getting cast out by Jesus could have been staged by Satan and Demons if Jesus was a false Christ and done to make Jesus popular and try to make Jesus great and on this Dark World does not Satan have more power and that could be why Jesus seemed greater and Ted seems not that great or much smaller in comparison and this could have been and could be a possibility. |
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