The Second Book of Judgment, 9 

8 TJCG is saying NO WAY NO HOW is this going to be for my ex-wife and her BETRAYAL was too SEVERE! 

9 I do not have a range of hate in my heart for my ex-wife and do feel NOTHING for her and that is TRUE. 

10 Satan and Demons were plotting to turn them evil and were trying to do evil training on them and this is going to help them and is going to make them more LightSide and not that vulnerable to evil training or temptations or different things that could spoil them before reaching adult.

11 Currently Christine and Katie are very good and are innocent and have not experience life and Ted this is Satan and certain Demons saying how do you think you are going to deal with you in-laws in the future that do not like you when your two daughters are claiming that their both hearing loud voices that are telling them that their natural Dad is Jesus Christ and God and that is going to be difficult and you ex-wife if probably going to only try to get them some to much psychological counseling and are going to end up heavily medicated and in a mental hospital or under mental care or are going to clam up completely and do nothing or not do enough. 

12 The LightSide Spirits want to tell you Ted that you are doing the right thing here and that time is critical and that Satan and Demons are already trying to clone and this is a critical time in Earths and in the entire Infinite Universes history and Satan and Demons are working fast and furious and are not letting any grass grow under those feet and those invented the Blitz and the Blitz Kriek used by Hitler and the Nazis and the SS Storm Troupers and also taught many soldiers what to do in times of war and that was to move fast and move furiously and this is going to put your two daughters and the only blood that you are acquainted with because you are adopted at risk and in harm and under sometimes extreme conditions and is a rough life and sometimes a rocky life and sometimes extreme and are you sure you want to do this Ted? 

13 Satan and Demons are going haywire currently and are extremely upset and angry and in a rage. 

14 Satan and Demons need to realize that Christine and Katie are probably going to fell honored and not too upset over time. 

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