The Second Book of Judgment, 9 |
15 Then Ted only hears cussing and some cussing worse than worst pimps. 16 This can be controlled in what Christine and Katie hear and the language used to some extend when younger and this is going to be very carefully controlled and Ted only hears a small minute fraction of what Satan and Demons actually are saying and are like and that is extremely mean and upset and enraged and full of extreme hate and full of extreme perversion and extremely mean and extremely full of perverse and many types of vivid video that is more vivid than dreams and is sent to the Angels of Light and the Earth Angels of Light and any that those can get to and this is to try to taint them and turn them and harm them and does not work because many are protected and covered up and under the covers. |
17 Satan and Devil are trying to scare some more off out on Earths Internet that have considered having a or some offspring of yours and that is something else those are trying to do and those do not get to young past Prophets or to young TJCG Prophets that much and this is a very careful and mental and psychological process that is done very slowly and very carefully and we understand what we are doing with this and this can and does work and is going to work with you two daughters and any future descendents on Earth. |
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