The Second Book of Judgment, 9 |
27 continued ... It COSTS to Cover and Protect and Help and to also Bless enormously. Humans do have a personal LightSide Bank Account and a personal DarkSide Bank Account and this is on a scale and is similar to a scale of Justice and what is your scale reading? Is this more LightSide or more DarkSide? Do you worship and pray to 1 Living God or 2? Do you believe in Isaiah 9:6 or a God Head and or a Triune God and or a Trinity? Are you IDIOTS OR FOOLS OR EXTREME LAZY? Most that believe in a God Head and or a Triune God and or a Trinity are either lazy or spoon fed or indoctrinated or confused extreme. This WAR of GOOD versus EVIL has ESCALATED on Earth at Y2K and going forward to an EXTREME WAR of GOOD versus EVIL! That is TRUE. Many of the THREATS you have seen on tv and in tv ads are from Satan and Demons. That was true and The Earth Angels of Light want to say that They are not obligated in the least or slightest to Cover and or Protect and or Help and or Bless anybody on World Earth and this is Physically and or Spiritually. They only have a certain amount in a LightSide Bank and then have Angel of Light Bank Accounts for reserve and then individual Bank Accounts for Individuals. ... continued |
27 continued ... When the LightSide Bank runs dry or low or too low you have eras similar to the Dark Ages on World Earth that was EXTREME DARK and most were taken down to taken down extreme through the terribly DECEIVED Christian Churches. Well most Good Enough Jewish at least stuck to their beliefs of 1 Living God and keeping The Sabbath and keeping dietary Laws and not sinning that much and also of course much more careful virgin protection and not going overboard on ASSuming that their were large amounts of Forgiveness that can and would and can legally be given. You OBEDIENCE is much more important. YES you are suppose to learn WHAT TO OBEY and THEN OBEY! Yes that is TRUE! What does it take and you can observe and review history that Satan and Demons have HATED and defiantly TARGETED the Jewish and absolutely the Orthodox Jewish and very careful practicing Jewish much more than Christians and or God Following. That was and is true and this was also true in the Spanish Inquisitions and the Inquisitions and through the Roman Catholic Church. That is also true with the warring factions of Protestants and Catholics and Jewish. Well Satan and Demons have tried many angles at divide and conquer! That was and is true. ... continued |
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