The Second Book of Judgment, 9 |
27 continued ... Now after all of this how many think that is Judgment is too harsh and or not in character with God and The Angels that believe their are still Men Angels and or The Earth Angels of Light that believe their are currently only Women and Female and also more Feminine Angels of Light? TJCG wanted True Love and Loyalty similar to a Husband and a Wife and that Closeness in the future also and no more Men Angels that were Spiritually and Physically with Intimacy and Sex and Love Making competing with His Angels of Light. That is TRUE! The Truth sometimes is REVEALED in current and future Earths Mass Media. That was and is true. He is The One written about and then produced in major productions of Star Wars and is the HOPE of the LightSide. YES that was and is TRUE! He is the Chosen One referenced in later productions of Star Wars. He is The One and is The Chosen One and is The One God. Their is and was and is only The One GOD and their is no God Head and or Triune God and or Trinity and many Christians were and are breaking a Ten Commandment with this also. ... continued |
27 continued ... That was not totally true and we or The Earth Angels of Light decided that this was OK and that is due to the fact that Jesus was and is The Father and God Himself to Earth then and TJCG is The Father and God Himself to Earth now and that was and is the truth and much of this was tried in setting that record straight in the Titles of Jesus Christ in Revelation in a New Testament of a Bible. Yeah and Paul was PERSECUTED EXTREME and was put in Prison by overzealous FBI and or ATF and similar. Yes and Satan and Demons over time have used Law Enforcement to go after Prophets and Deliverers and Moses was for 40 years after holding an extremely top ranking position was a Fugitive From Justice and then you have many that were imprisoned and beheaded and whipped and tortured and tortured extreme and sodomized in prisons and much of that was not written and much of that from Those EXTREME. Yes and Ted go < extreme cussing from Satan and certain Demons in on this transmission for far off places and from Satan and Demons also on World Earth >. ... continued |
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