The Second Book of Judgment, 9 |
27 continued ... We HATE you Ted and that is what is getting sent to your Covering Cherub Angel of Light. She is not a Covering Cherub and is a Covering Earth Angels of Light and considering how EXTREMELY HOT your Brain and Body are this takes more than a Angel of Light and COSTS to Protect you no matter how extremely good and pure from sin you currently are Ted. You are The One and that is TRUE and sometimes Satan and Demons buy up and outbid on language and use your first name only that is Ted on Earth and that is done to confuse some to many and is He only Ted or Ted who is The Messiah and this is the First Coming is is he Ted and Jesus Christ and GOD and this is still getting figured out! Do you think that The Earth Angels of Light enjoy putting you between THE ROCK and A HARD PLACE? No for some of you not. For some of you definitely true. Yeah and They are less tolerant than you realize. This is TRUE. Well how do you think this is going to work? If everybody understood everything that you ever did would you be liked or loved by them? That is how much of They work! That is TRUE! You had better believe that AN EXTREME ACCUSER of Satan and certain Demons remind them of this each and every minute of every day and night until They want to punt you or punt you extreme. ... continued |
27 continued ... That is TRUE and many of They have extreme aversions to the word extreme now and also very now and also doggie style. That was and is TRUE and how let the Dogs out? That was funny and not and you need to realize that several or 3 VCRS are not going to costs that much and tapes are not going to costs that much and recording at least three networks that are major in the USA in Prime Time is not going to costs that much and archiving these is not going to costs that much and reviewing is not going to be that much time and is and you can at least review what TJCG reviews and writes about! That is true and much more helpful than that and that is going to help to fulfill the Tour of Duty is SPREADING this to ALL you can and doing smart and intelligent Marketing on Earths Internet to increase site traffic to your sites and also links and references to TJCG written sites. This is TRUE! Satan and Demons are still holding out on a DarkSide Blockade to make this stop and this is going on and on and on and on and on and similar to the situation on World Earth with Satan and Demons living and surviving and thriving on World Earth. No that much anymore. Much more than Those should have and been allowed to. ... continued |
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