Financing Operations from Y2K and forward on Earth 

10 If you feel the need for greed then you are not making any range of a good and or nice range of a next life after Earth! 

11 TJCG has to get many things done and accomplished and He needs vast financial resources to accomplish this and vast amounts of human resources and vast amounts of control and vast amounts of cooperation to accomplish His many vast responsibilities. 

12 Many that think that you are true and in the right and are Jewish and or Christian may not be and for example The Sabbath did not change and has not changed and ALL that are not keeping The Sabbath and keeping Sunday are marginal at best. 

13 TJCG wants to reorganize many Temples and Synagogues and Churches under the strict Leadership of TJCG.  This requires many to cooperate with this transition to an Organization that is more on course and to the right. 

14 From Y2K and forward them that are in closest and the Arms of TJCG and then in the Fold of TJCG and then in the Flock of TJCG are going to have a better harvest. 

15 Why is TJCG trying to do this and is because He needs the vast financial resources and control and human resources to accomplish the dropping or killing of Satan and Demons and far too many are far too far to the left and are too many competing Shepard's that are leading too many to far to the left. 

16 He plans to reorganize or shut down religious organizations that are too far to the left and do not get to the right enough in enough time. 

17 You can send TJCG email if you have any questions on this and He will try to respond and help you figure this out and what to do and about any compromise settlements. 

18 TJCG primarily is trying to get Satan or Devil and Demons dropped or killed and some of this is going to have to probably be done conventionally and also needs to lead many to the right more and has many vast responsibilities that take vast financial resources. 

19 Any that are Preachers and Clergy and in Religious related work and lead any to many astray from TJCG are going to be Judged harshly for this. 

20 This is TJCG and you had better quickly study diligently and figure out who I Am. 

21 Many things are on a schedule and I cannot wait too long or have too many delays on Earth. 

22 Their have already been many vast Signs and Miracles and Messages given after TJCG was publicly declared on Earth and were written first on Earths Internet and then performed by The Earth Angels of Light for TJCG. 

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Send email to a current email address of Christ and The Messiah and The Great I Am  if He is still alive on Earth or His Earth Internet Sites are OFFICIALLY still up. 

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