As a native of the city of San Antonio, I am excited about pioneering & establishing an Independent Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist Church.  Having started this Church in 1985 God has built a solid thriving work in Northeast San Antonio.  At Calvary Baptist Church you will find friendly people who care about souls.  You will find preaching from the King James Bible that will be helpful to you as you grown in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  No matter what your age or background, we care about you and want God's best for you.  If you have just moved into the city, or lived here for some time, please come by and visit us, as we would like to meet you,  Visit us soon, I believe you'll be glad you did.
                                                   Because of Calvary,

                                               Pastor Michael R. Cordes

Calvary Baptist Church is pleased to invite you to our services where you will find…
-Enthusiastic Singing & Praise
-Sound Bible Preaching
-Sunday School classes for all ages
-Nursery care (birth - 3 yrs)
-Mid-week Bible Study/Prayer
-Discipleship Ministry
-Organized Soulwinning
-Youth Ministries
-Children's Church Ministry
-Yearly Vacation Bible Time
-Calvary Christian Academy
-Calvary Baptist Bible Institute
-Independent Baptist Bookstore
-Food Pantry
-Ladies Fellowships
-Transportation to all services
      "If you are looking for a place to serve, then Calvary                       
       Baptist is looking for you

Calvary Baptist Is
-A friendly, caring , Baptist Church
-Independent of any denomination
-Fundamental in Bible Doctrine
-Soul-winning and Missions-minded
-Separated and non-charismatic

Membership is open to all those of like faith and practice.

Calvary Baptist Church | A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR | Church Services and Hours | Are You  Certain That You Are Going To Heaven | CALVARY BAPTIST
BIBLE INSTITUTE | Meet Our Missionaries

To contact us:

Phone: 210-653-2225

Email: michaelcbcsa@stic.net

Calvary Baptist Church
5311 Crestway Drive
San Antonio TX, 78239