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Book Reviews

This site contains: Theological resource books and books of general study that pertain to christian history and/or the life of a christian. (These are not in alphabetical order, so please bear with me as I ramble.

Eusebuis, "The History of the Church" From Christ to Constantine
Penguin Classics
Translated by: G.A. Williamson
This book is a "must have" if you're interested in early church history. It's chock full of information that is no longer available elsewhere.
In my opinion, "this piece is very well put together, it seems to be one of those reference books that you just don't want to put down.
It should be available in paper or hardback at your favorite bookstore or,
Write to:
Penguin Books USA, Inc
375 Hudson St
New York, NY 10014
It shouldn't be much more than $20.00

"The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha" Vols. I and II
Dell Publishing
By: James H. Charlesworth
These big volumes have a huge number of old writings in them, to say the least, and even though most all are considered imitation scripture, they are still neat to read.
In my opinion, "Don't let your children read these until you are sure they are grounded in the truth." They contain fantastic stories and most are blantantly false, and can in no way (in my opinion) be compaired to scriptural writing (with the exception of, 1 Enoch)
Write to:
Bantam Doubleday Publishing Group Inc.
1540 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
About $40.00

"The Aramaic New Covenant" (New Testament)
Exegeses Bibles
By: Herb Jahn
"Not" for the average Messiamic.
This is not for your average christian. Although it is a direct translation from the same text that the authorized version (the 1611 King James version) is derived from.
Write to:
Exegeses Bibles
P.O. Box 1776
Orange, CA 92668
Or call: 1-800-9 BIBLE 9 and ask them about what bibles they have to offer.
"The Aramaic New Covenant $30.00

"The Sacred Scriptures" (Replaces the titles with the true name of God)
The Assemblies of Yahweh
By: Jacob O. Meyer
This is a translation of both old and neew testament. Derived from the "American Standard" version (c. 1901). "Not from original texts" (that I know of). In my opioion, it is well put together, but I must tell you that this is not for your average christian. It leans toward messiamic theology.
Write to:
Assemblies of Yahweh
P.O. Box C
Bethel, PA 19507
It shouldn't be more than $25.00

"The Dead Sea Scrolls" A new translation with commentary. Harper San Francisco
By: Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr. & Edward Cook
They claim to have translated "All" of the Qumran texts that have been available to us. In my opioion, "It will raise your eyebrows." Check it out by writing to:
Harper Collins Publishers
10 East 53rd St
New York, NY 10022
Or visit their website @

"The Lost Books of the Bible"
Crown Publishers, Inc.
By: Grammercy Books
This one is very interesting if you're looking into, "early church writings". the known origins of each of the writings are in the front of each book contained within, so as to allow the reader to draw his/her own conclusion as to the validity. This is a reprint of the 1926 ed. Put out by World Publications Co., Cleveland OH.
In my opinion, "some" of these writings are to be cherished as authentic pieces of scripture that were left out of the cannonical texts.
Check it out at:
Random House Value Publishing Inc.
40 Engelhard Ave.
Avenel, NJ 07001
It shouldn't be more than $15.00


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