1. "Ekam Sat Vipraah babudhaa vadanti" - "God (Truth) is One, but men speak as many"
     - Thus say the Vedas. The Holy Bible says that "God is Truth". The Holy Quoran says
     that "Allah is the Lord of the day of the judgement of the world".

    We believe that God is One and we are all His creatures. We should worship the
    Creator in spirit and Truth.

2. When a leader forbids the reading of Scriptures of other religions inspired of God, he
    digs his own grave and his religion ceases to be a movement.

    All the Scriptures of God are divinely inspired and are to be impartially and
    reverentially studied deeply by all the mankind irrespective of difference in religion.
    Then only with the Grace of God our Creator, we are enlightened with His Divine

3. We endeavour to practice what we profess from the past 45 years that God is our
     Father, Creator and we all are fellow brethren and sisters. There is no difference of
     caste or community, religion, colour, creed or nation.

4. In these terrific days of violence, arson, in all the corners of our country and the whole
    world, resulting in multifarious divisions and destructions in the name of religion, caste,
    community, colour, nationality, resulting in the total destruction of the world, we
    sincerely believe and call the whole mankind to Be United Under The Banner of God’s
    Love which He showed on us by giving Himself as Sacrifice for the blessing of the whole
    universe before the world began (Refer Purushasuktam of Rig Veda, Baghavad Gita
   3:10, Holy Bible , Rev.13:8(b); I John 3:6).

5. We believe in total Ahimsa with all Heavenly powers and believe in God’s final
     judgement and vengeance by Him soon and that it will ultimately prevail in this

     We believe that the same Almighty God, Our Creator has come down fulfilling the
      prophecies of all the divinely inspired sages and saints throughout the ages, to deliver
      His Real chosen people from the hands of the violence of this world and to usher in
      Dharma Yugam (Millennium).

6. Our Land is privileged to be chosen place of God our Creator to reveal Himself to the
     world before His Final Judgement begins on the Earth. The Real Unity shall be
     obtained only under His Wings and not under any man or religion.

We appeal to you all to just think for a few moments before you criticise us, What if we are Right!!!

Please think and meditate on That One God, the Creator who is among you, over you and will be in you (if you sincerely believe), eagerly awaiting at your door (heart) to talk to you.

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