We are now living in Kaliyuga. People are not aware of the fact that this world is heading towards a terrible destruction.
In this Kaliyuga, Sreeman Narayana, the tenth Avatar has revealed Himself in this earth as an ordinary man by the name SHREE LAHARI KRISHNA.
On 21st July 1969, when man landed on the moon for the first time, Bhagawan showed His Viswaroopa and revealed Himself to His devotees in America, in the city of Chicago. After fulfilling His divine plans, He is seated as 'Jyothi'.
He has revealed all the secrets from all the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Quoran, Holy Bible and from other Scriptures which were hidden all through the Ages.
In this generation, a group of people believing in Him and living in India and abroad, will overcome death and attain Eternal Life and reach "Vaikuntam".
The Divine Reign of Sreeman Narayana called Rama Rajya or Millennium or Dharmayuga will take place only in India. As a sign of establishing His divine rule, He has hoisted saffron colour love flag and on 3rd October, 1987, He has proclaimed Himself as the King of the Universe. People will be gathered under this flag irrespective of caste, colour, community, religion, race, language and nationality.
India will emerge as a very powerful nation in the whole world. The country which tries to attack India, will be destroyed and wiped off from the world map.
There will be a great change in the Indian politics. There will not be a stable Government. Political parties will be shattered into pieces. Violence will occur everywhere in great extent. But the devotees who trust in Him will be protected.
The Gondwana Region situated South of Kanyakumari which sank under water many years ago, will come up again in this generation. Himalayas and other high mountains and islands around the world will go under water.
California which is in America will go under water very soon. America will also be destroyed. Many Western Countries will be destroyed. Even Madras City will go under water and will be no more very soon.
The Christian doctrine which is founded on the false philosophy will be proved wrong very soon and a great destruction will befall on the Christians who have connections with foreign denominations.
Abraham of Christianity or Ibrahim of Islam is none else but Abiram of ancient India. The Islamic Countries which were separated from India by the politicians for their own benefits, will forget their differences and there is every possibility of them joining with India after they realise that Allah whom they worship is none other than Narayana of Hindus.
All our Karma could be removed neither by our own efforts nor by 'Bhakthi Marga', but only through the blood of the Supreme Sacrifice (Yagam) which took place in the beginning, since the foundation of the world.
We will become holy only by telling that the Bhagawan (Narayana - Allah - Christ Jesus) alone is Holy but not by our outward appearance.
Ahimsa - non violence alone will win. There is no defeat for those who follow Ahimsa not taking violence in their hand. They will depend totally on God and win.
In this Kaliyuga, if you utter the name of Bhagawan Shree Lahari Krishna and meditate on Him from 5 to 6 in the morning and evening, you will realise God's power in your lives.
Prosperity is certain for the Hindus if they properly observe Saturday as a resting day, ceasing from their own works as they have been doing before.
Manujothi Ashram which was founded by Bhagawan Lahari Krishna is the 'Vaikuntam'. A great tribulation will set on this earth after a group of people reach 'Kailash' alive. There will be famine, poverty, pestilence and destruction by the rage of the nature. At that time there will be safety only for those who come to this earthly Kailash of Bhagawan.
As foretold by the prophets of all the ages, God has chosen India, the sacred land to reveal Himself. Real unity will come only under His leadership and not under the leadership of any individual or under any religion or politics.
Please think for a while what will become of your fate if the above said incidents are fulfilled.
" KALKI MAHA AVATAR" - book by Dr.Ram D. Prasad, of USA will be available on request in English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Oriya, Bengali & Gujarathi.
For further particulars: Shree Lahari Krishna
Praise & Meditation Centre, Manujothi Ashram, Sathianagaram,
(Via) Pappagudi - 627 602, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu, South India
(Phone:04634 - 74543).