(Part I)


"We know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called: and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom HE JUSTIFIED them also GLORIFIED. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not WITH HIM also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? IT IS THAT CHRIST THAT DIED, YEA RATHER THAT IS RISEN AGAIN. Who is EVEN AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD, WHO ALSO MAKETH INTERCESSION FOR US" (Rom.8:28-39).

"What think ye of Christ? whose Son is he? They say unto him, The Son of David." He saith unto them, How then doth David in Spirit call him Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool? If David then call him Lord, how is he his son? No man was able to answer him a word, NEITHER DURST ANY MAN FROM THAT DAY FORTH ASK HIM ANY MORE QUESTIONS!!"

This great Book and the following volumes about Christ the Son of David is dedicatd to those who laid down their earthly lives being true to the unseen God, Light and Life by Faith refused to surrender to the enemies working through the five senses on the earth according to Hebrews 11:1-40 and Rom. 8:28-39) courting martyrdom then deny the Lord Jesus from Adam’s time, all through the seven church ages, till our glorification at any time now as the Last Trump is sounding with FULL POWER. Read Prov.1:20-33. Our message through the Spirit of Truth is vindicated with pillar of fire and pillar of clouds and contains the key of OVERCOMING DEATH IN THIS GENERATION.

For the Firstborn Messages, and continued messages your silence will say that you need them and we will send them to you. If you write to us it will be sent to you immediately. This is a Faith Ministry for forty years and no charge is made for these messages of Eternal Life.



(Lev.16:1; 10:1. Numb.16:1-50; 3:4; 26:61 - Please read carefully)

Why the people desire to offer strange fire is the first thing to understand before knowing what the strange fire is. The meaning of strange fire is "turn aside, a foreigner, adultery, come from another man or place strange thing or man or woman and fire means burning, flaming hot".

In these passages we see about the death of Korah and his followers and two sons of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, when they offered strange fire, God got very angry with them and the fire of God destroyed them utterly and the earth opened and swallowed some of them. We who are earnestly trying to please God must be careful to study this subject so that we will not commit such blunders in our life and destroy ourselves because God is a consuming fire. It is thought by some Bible Scholars that this Leviticus 16:1 about Nadab and Abihu has been transposed out of its rightful place in the sacred record which was Numbers 16. Man should be in Christ Jesus for eternal life and his mind should be attached to that Great Light which is His Life and not to the five senses which will cut him away from that Life. Man usually aspires for fame and popularity cheaply and takes the short cut to fame and in his enthusiasm will not hesitate to destroy anything coming across his way by killing or slandering across his way like the 250 princes of the synagogue and who in the time of the assembly called by name. They gathered themselves against Moses and Aaron and said unto them:

"Ye take too much upon you, seeing all the Congregation are holy, EVERYONE OF THEM AND THE LORD IS AMONG THEM: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the CONGREGATION OF THE LORD."

There were others listening to this charge against Moses and Aaron and they were correct in claiming that they were holy, but they misunderstood when difficulties came that Moses and Aaron lifted themselves to that position and that God had no part in giving them that position. They after being so many years with Moses were ignorant of God’s pattern or were blinded.

Till Moses every one could sacrifice building his own altar sacrificing his own clean animal to get the presence of God since Adam’s fall. Moses on God showing to him the heavenly pattern brought it to three sections, such as the Outer, Holy Place and the Holy of Holies and put God’s name there and that God’s approval. Don’t you see the same pattern today and the same trouble? As Jesus was crucified in the altar of Jerusalem the Holy Place was opened as the Temple veil was opened and Jesus prepared His disciples asking them to forsake everything as Levites. We should give fruit hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold. Those who are in the outer should give 30 and in the Holy Place 60 and Holy of Holies 100. The Levites should not have any inheritance in this world. Today everyone who takes a Bible is called a Servant of God. Ridiculous! We should pay the price. In these days people say that they forsook all only to better their prospects. Your heart must leave all. 1 Cor.13:3. It profiteth me NOTHING. Holy of Holies Love supercedes everything. Love for the brethren and love for the Lord God is the fulfilling of the Law. In the Holy Place there were seven candlesticks which signifies the seven Spirits of God. Each Church Age Messenger got one-seventh of the Spirit of God. Then the Word of God comes down with the "FULLNESS OF GOD" leading us to the Holy of Holies. The Bride must understand that the Bride Ministry till glorification before the Anti-Christ and Tribulation is not far off and the Last Trump is sounding now. These people were attacking the pattern of God. God never tolerated Moses or Korah and party and will not tolerate in the future. The fire of the Tabernacle should be the fire which they have to daily watch and should preserve for burning the sacrifices or for incense or for the candlestick (Read I Chr.21:26; II Chr.7:1-3; I Kings.18:38). In every age God raises somebody according to His purpose and no two people at the same time can carry the pillar of fire. The fire of the Tabernacle should be the fire which fell from heaven and any other fire even if it seems to those not on God’s Word as right but will not agree with the Word of God should be rejected. When we check the strange fire of a message with the Word of God (knowledge of good and evil) and it seems to agree the Bride will not take this old fire but watch for the fire which fell on the Moonlanding Day (the fullness of God) and the revelation of the deep things and check with the Word of God and read every Bible verse given and assimilate for preparing them for the Glory. The "Comforter" received by the seven Churches and Church Ages is only Everlasting Life and not "Eternal Life". For the Bride it is "Adultery" to take a strange fire from whatever source it comes. Paul says "I may present you as a chaste virgin for Christ." No other fire could be brought in but these leading men of the synagogues thought they are all holy people that they could sacrifice and destroy God’s Heavenly pattern which is a sin against the Throne. That is why I am warning you before you could fall into such sin and avoid such traps which has not any mercy. God was talking to Moses and Samuel directly, but the people did not like that. When Samuel was giving out instructions from God, the people wanted a King to be seen. When Moses was on the mount God was talking in a loud voice which the people did not like and did not want God to talk in a loud voice which put the fear of God in them, but wanted a human voice; then God promised, He would raise a man like Moses and if any one does not listen to him, he will be cut off. Today there is a strange voice in the West everywhere, "Be Somebody and Be Nobody". God says "Be Nobody and I will make you Somebody". See what a difference in both. Now the Spirit of Truth has come since 1969 (John 16:13-28).

It is time for us to forsake the love of the world and be ready at anytime putting away petty friendship to please people not totally on the Word of God. Any message from anyone, even myself, your Brother in Christ Jesus, do not take foolishly but take it only if it agrees totally with the Bible which is the Urim and Thummim for a believer. Be careful, you are warned - YOU ARE WARNED. The flying eagles will not eat old meat but for that hour (fresh meat). Old meat is also strange fire. The Dragon stands before the Woman. Why? To make her eat old meat or handle strange fire. The MAN CHILD AND THE BRIDE ARE CAUGHT UP TO THE THRONE (Isa.16:5). The Woman will hate the Child at birth but will love after it finds she has lost her CROWN AND GARMENT and is on EARTH.



This is the most difficult subject to explain to the people of God in a manner that they could correctly understand it, as there has been so much confusion among them; and unless you are inspired by God and are standing totally on God’s written word, you will never be able to grasp the revelation of God.

Do not misunderstand this message and brand me as going off the Word. If you weigh the facts and understand the ways of God, surely you will know the secret. Every message comes at the time when we come to that appropriate place or stage in our spiritual progress: and now as we are at the time when the man child should be caught up to the throne of God (Rev.12:5), it is no wonder we are heading towards this Throne of God message. Let us praise God for it.


There is only one True God, and according to John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time: the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." According to John 4:24, "God is a Spirit; and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." As such, how can He sit on a throne and have a form? This is a question which confronts almost every sincere soul seeking God. If He has a throne, what kind of throne is it? And if there is a throne, who is the King sitting on it? Has God a right hand for another to sit on the right side? From when was this throne existing? Was it existing from the time of David? So many such questions confront us.


When God in His own foreknowledge saw the whole plan, He knew everyone who should be written in the Book of Life. God has no beginning and no end. Only when the "form or object" factor comes, there is a beginning and there should be an end. If there is a beginning and an end, then there should be a form, and things must be visible to the human eye. So when the unseen God had to bring a beginning, He had to transform Himself into a body form which He called as "The Word" or "First Born" or "Lord God", and known by other names too, which we shall see later. It had a form with life, which He never showed to the people unless they satisfied the conditions of obedience and faith. And by that form, that is by "The Word", all things were made. That is why it is said: "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not" (Jn.1:1-5).

Thought uttered by a person from soul within is Word. God’s thought spoken into existence is ‘The Word’. The word was with God. The word was God. When the unseen Spirit in fullness talks through this Form, it is God speaking.

Now, please listen carefully. The First-Born of God is ‘The Word’, which God formed of His own self for acting for a period of time which has a beginning and an end. In Ps.89:27, it is said: "I will make him my firstborn." This means that one in David’s line should be made as the First-Born of God; and when that is finished, God resumes the Father’s position as Spirit. God wanted man to be in complete obedience to the Lord God’s word.

Jeremiah 17:12 says, "A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary." From this verse, it is seen that this throne was existing since the beginning. Yes, the Throne of God is from the beginning, rather than it was there even before the "beginning" started. The Pre-Adamic world was given in angels’ hands. It was not in the mind of God then to come down to the earth, until Lucifer was pushed out (not judged) from guarding the throne. But God knew in His foreknowledge that Lucifer has to fall before the Son of David comes. For example, the Manager of a big factory leaves the factory in the hands of others and is going away for some time. He returns to see everything in a mess. He will say, I knew it would be like this; and so he finally comes in person to set matters right. Similarly, God too had to come down to the earth, taking a human form.


The heaven and earth were once under the complete control of the Throne of God. King David’s throne was called God’s throne, because David was a man after God’s own heart - (I Sam.13:14 & Acts 13:22). But we all know that King David did not please God in the moral sense. Yet he voluntarily chose God and allowed God to plan his life, and when God gave him any glory, he did not take the glory for himself, but gave the glory and honour to God - (read the book "The Life that pleases God" by the Page Publications - Volumes 1-3). King David’s unswerving loyalty to the Throne of God by seating God on His throne and by most willingly and voluntarily giving Him his complete obedience, brought him the righteousness of God, despite his moral lapses for which he was dealt with and punished (II Sam. Chapters 11 & 12). You can understand that even though King David should normally occupy his throne, he was actually seating God on his throne; and so, God was not ashamed to call the throne of David as His own. That is why, when Solomon was made King, we are told that Solomon sat on "the throne of the Lord" as King instead of David his father - I Chron.29:23.


After closely studying the Bible, I have found that God was jealously guarding His Seed from the beginning and anyone or any nation in which the Lord God’s Seed was present, God fought for them and destroyed all their enemies. That was the standard for God’s Righteousness. Obedience to God’s Word brought us in love with the Lord God, and walking with the Lord God brought us into the Righteousness of God. Once the Lord God’s Seed was gone from a nation, God did not hesitate to destroy that nation for their sins.

God can never curse the person or people having the seed of the Lord God, and God watched out every person or people who carried that seed. When disobedience came, Adam and Eve should die; but the Lord God said to the serpent : "I will put enmity between them and the woman and between thy seed and her seed and it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" - (Gen. 3-15). Here you will note that He calls the woman’s seed "It", because Jesus cannot be called in any other way as He was not born to a man and a woman. It was a sacrifice for a burnt offering, like an ox which we call "It". It will be interesting to note also that in Luke 1:35, Jesus is referred to as "that holy thing which shall be born", again indicating that He was not born to a man and a woman. When the head of a serpent is crushed, it loses all its power to sting and gradually dies; but Calvary was only like a bruise to the Lord’s heel, because He cannot be annihilated as He is God; and Adam too could not be cursed, as the Lord God was there in the genes; and so, God cursed the ground for his sake - (Gen.3:17-18).

Noah was saved in the flood not because he was good, but because not only he had the revelation about the atonement sacrifice, but also the seed of the Lord God or Son of David was there in him, which brought them righteousness; and next in line, his eldest son Shem was carrying the seed and so he was blessed. God carefully protected the seed from the beginning. Similarly, we can see later how God was keeping pure the Seed in Abraham and in Isaac, because in that line the Lord God has to come.

Then we come to Jacob and through Joseph his son, the whole race goes to Egypt. And there, when Pharoah was treating Israel very roughly, the Lord said: "Israel is my son, even my first-born" (Ex.4:22). It does not mean the whole Israel nation is the first-born but it contains the Seed of the first-born so God treated them specially and they could win all wars, because through "the sacrifices" God could overlook their trespasses. So God was able to protect them and bring out the Nation of Israel always victoriously, as they not only followed God’s commandments, but were also carriers of the "Seed Royal".


Let us think about Jacob. It shows here how Jacob prevailed and this is a type of how the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root and the offspring of David prevails in breaking the seals - (Rev.Ch.5 & 22:16). Jacob who was almost like a prodigal son to Isaac, does injustice to his elder brother, brother Esau. When God told him to return from Padan-aram (Gen.31:11-13), he starts and journeys to Canaan (rest of Ch.31); and when on the way he hears that Esau is coming to meet him, he was mortally afraid. He wants to try every human means to appease Esau and he divides his company and stays back to run away if necessary - (Gen.32:1-23). At this time, a man wrestles with him. Jacob was left along. There was a man wrestling with him till the break of the day - (Gen.32:24-32). We say that he (Jacob) was so strong that the man (Lord God) who wrestled with him could not prevail against him. It is wrong. Jacob was not allowing God to have His way with him; and he is too strongly self-willed to such an extent that he is trying with his self-will to overcome, which is totally wrong to get God’s blessings. We can resist God and His power flowing through us, only by our Self-will and our Self-Righteousness. At last, the Lord God has to touch the hollow of his thigh, which went out of joint. Jacob thought that it was Esau or one of Esau’s man who wrestled with him; and his self-will to fight against them was so strong; but the Seed of David should allow God to use His Arm fully, and they should not at all try to use their own arm; and so it took till the break of day for Jacob to let his self-will be broken and put himself in the Arm of the Lord God. As he was limping, he gets a revelation.

The Lord God never gives any revelation to those who are self-willed but only to surrendered souls who allow His Arm to act. So, finally after knowing this secret, he (Jacob) wants him (Lord God) to bless him; and for a blessing, Jacob wants to know the name of the Lord God. God blessed only such people who come in the Seed of David line, because it is their natural trait to allow the use of God’s arm and not use their own arm, that is, not having their own will but God’s will only. That is what we mean by the expression: "Putting our wheels in line with the Will of God". Instead of giving his Name, the Lord God renames Jacob as Israel which means Prince of God meaning the Father of Jacob is King; God. And He says, Thou hast power with God and with men and hast prevailed (Gen.32:28). So also, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has to overcome and prevail - (Rev.Ch.5), not by moving himself and using his arm, but by allowing God’s arm to use him. By allowing God’s arm to move you and use you, you are in the line of Lord God. When Jacob realised this and surrendered himself totally to the Lord God, God blessed him there - (Gen.32:29). And Jacob exclaims, "I have seen God face to face, and (yet) my life is preserved" (32:30). If you see God and if your life is preserved, then you are possessor of heaven and earth and you posses immortality, (i.e.) Eternal Life.


God scattered Israel, destroyed their temple and at the end, the Lord God through Jesus gave commandments for the scattered Israel. The British say: the scattered Israel are only the white people of England; but they are totally wrong. The Israel was scattered according to the Tabernacle pattern. The Tribe of Judah is in the East, Ephraim and Manasseh are in the West, Moses and Aaron and all Leaders are from the East. After they were scattered, God dealt with them individually, and so, for 6000 years, God hands over judgement to the Son of David whom He makes the First-Born.

The judgement of God comes only during the righteous reign of the Son in the Millennium; so for nearly 6000 years the saints of God had to be patient and they had to wait patiently for judgement. People who do not believe on the judgement of God and are impatient, get out of the plan of God. So patience is the qualifying factor. Those who do not believe on the King for judgement are liable to get into violence and make the Lord angry. That is why, when people in the time of Noah become very violent, God decided to destroy the earth - (Gen.6:11-13), Gen.6:11 says: "The earth also was corrupt before God; and the earth was filled with violence". ‘Violence’ means, they did not believe on a God Who will judge, and so took judgement into their own hands. Whenever God destroyed any place, there had been violence in it before its destruction.


The Lord with His foreknowledge knows every difficulty His people and His Seed will be facing and He spoke through the prophets the things to happen and how they could overcome the difficulties. In other words, God foreknew all things that will happen to His children who trust in Him, and so through the years, he gave the prophets promises for each situation they were going to encounter. Take for example, where God speaks through the prophet how to overcome when troubles come. Isaiah 43:2-3 says: "When thou passest through the Waters I will be with thee;............. and when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For, I am the Lord thy God, ............ thy Saviour". So children on God’s Word, when that situation come, they know how to stand fast on God’s Word, as they were sure that God’s promises will never fail. Did it fail with Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego? No. See, they were not asked to sit in the midst of fire and talk, but to walk in the fire. When accordingly the three children by faith started walking in the fire, see how one like the Son of God (Dan.3:25) came and delivered them - (Daniel Chapter 3). Suppose they had sat and talked, they would have died.

So all the promises of God in the Bible are to be claimed by us, correctly, word by word or word for word, as they are. By claiming those promises in this manner and getting answer and victory, one can show to the world at large the difference between the people of the Lord God and the ordinary man - Eg. (i) David and Goliath (I Sam.Ch.17); (ii) Elijah and Baal’s prophets (I Kings Ch.18); and (iii) Micaiah and Zedekiah, one of Ahab’s 400 prophets (I Kings Ch.22 & II Chron.Ch.18). But in all critical situations, victory was given by unusual means or peculiar actions - Eg. (i) Moses’ hands raised (Ex.17:8-12); (ii) Joshua’s spear stretched out (Josh.8:18); and (iii) The walls of Jericho falling after seven days going round (Joshua Ch.6) - all these are symbols relating to the Son of David prevailing.


God never allowed anyone or any tribe or nation to come against His Throne. Kings like Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Herod, etc., and tribes like the Amalekites were destroyed by God, because they came against His Throne. The Heavenly King would never allow even the mightiest of earthly Kings to come against His Throne.

Trespassing anyone of the ten commandments (Ex.20:1-17 & Deut.5:6-21) was considered to be sin against the Throne of God. That is why transgressors of the law had to be stoned to death, because it is "a fiery law" (Deut.33:2). The Law says: Honour your father and mother. Honouring father and mother is akin to honouring God. Only if one pays respect to his father and mother, he will know how to give respect and reverance to the Father God. If children don’t honour their parents, they don’t live long, and they lose God. Ham failed to honour his father not only by uncovering him through his son Canaan (Please see later under "Noah cursing Canaan") but also by telling it to his brethren outside, and hence Noah’s cursing of Ham’s son Canaan, because being a transgression of God’s commandment, it was a sin against the Throne of God.

Similarly, the Law says: Kill not. If anyone kills his adversary, it amounts to taking judgement in his own hands which is taking the place of the Son. Anybody taking that position is sinning against the Throne of God.


Let us now see the nature and powers of a King. If Israel would wish to set a King over them, the Lord God stipulated to them (the following) certain conditions in Deut.17:14-20:- Even within the ambit of these stipulations, the powers of a King are wide enough. The solemn words of exhortation in I Sam.8:11-18, which Samuel was bidden to tell the people of Israel that asked of the Lord a King (Vs.9-10), advising them as to what the manner of that King will be, and what all kinds of oppressive demands will be extracted by him from them, are quite significant to be taken note of in this context. Further Eccl.8:2-5 says: "I counsel thee to keep the King’s commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God. Be not hasty to go out of His sight; stand not in an evil thing: for he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him. Where the word of a King is, there is power; and who may say unto him, what doest thou? Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man’s heart discerneth both time and judgement". This shows that a King is all powerful and that no one can question him regarding what he says or does; but it does not mean that all will accept the King’s (the Lord’s) rule. You see, a piece of magnet not only brings together (attracts and gathers) even fine filings, but at the same time, also scatters in opposite direction. Similarly, some of the people may not be attracted by the Lord to rejoice in Him. That is why it is said in Eccl.4:15-16: "I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead. There is no end of all the people, even of all that have been before them: they also that come after shall not rejoice in him. Surely, this also is vanity and vexation of Spirit". Even so, a King’s command could never be violated, but should be obeyed implicitly, though it might appear to be a small command; otherwise it means death - vide Prov.16:10,14; 19:12 and 20:2 quoted below:

Prov.16:14 - "The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: but a wise man will pacify it". V.10: "A divine sentence is in the lips of the king; his mouth transgresseth not in judgement". 19:12 - "The king’s wrath is as the roaring of a lion: but his favour is as dew upon the grass". 20:2 - "The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion; whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul".

When Adam was given a command, it was from the Heavenly King, and when he disobeyed it, he had to face death (Gen.2:17 & 3:19). Lucifer was appointed for guarding God’s Throne, but he wanted to take the Throne for himself, and so he was pushed out - (Ezekiel 28:1-19 & Isaiah 14:12-15).


So we see that the powers of even an earthly King are so vast and comprehensive that no one dare make him angry. That being so, can we ever even think of making God, our Heavenly King, angry? Making God angry is the greatest sin against His Throne. Can we stand before an angry God? (Ps.95:7-11 & Heb.3:7-11 & 15-19). Oh, let us please God and get eternal life which is deathlessness. Remember, Jesus has said, "Fear not them which kill the body alone ................. but fear the one who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" - (Matt.10:28 & Luke 12:4-5). Body can be killed - first death - one need not fear it. But if body and soul are killed, it is second death (being cast into the lake of fire), which is terrible and which one should really be afraid of, because your soul is completely destroyed - vide Rev.20:4-6, 11-15 & 21:8. The Son of David is given the power and he is "the one Who is able to destroy both soul and body". We should, therefore, be afraid of this his position, and "serve the Lord with fear, and (if we even rejoice) rejoice with trembling" - Ps.2:11. All the things of the world will pass away. Only what God says and does are eternal.


Punishment for trespassing any of the ten commandments is stoning to death. What a terrible punishment! In the present Lucifer’s control of the earth, breaking all or any of the ten commandments is not to be punished with death. You can see many who break it going scot-free through courts of law, where there is no justice. People of God or righteous people will, however, regard the breaking of any of the ten commandments serious, even though no worldly punishment comes to them by law. Or, even if punishment of fiery death is threatened to be meted out, they will not break any commandment - the three Hebrew children who refused to worship Nebuchadnezzar’s image, because it was a transgression of the first and second commandments (Daniel 3:8-17). This separates the righteous people from the serpent’s seed, not by faith, but by their choice to accept or reject the Heavenly King.

Punishment for sinning against the Throne of God is always immediate, or atleast speedy and quick. But why are not people punished immediately or speedily nowadays? The reason is: The Time of Glorification is at hand. Sign for that is: Judgement does not come immediately. These days punishment will be given, but not speedily. God does not want to punish anybody immediately in these days, because the people can then begin to fool God, saying, there is no God, etc. Only if they have no changes, they will not fear God - Psalms 55:19(b). The Bible says also in Eccl.8:11: "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil". That is why King David very earnestly prays in Psalms 19:12-13, "Cleanse thou me from secret faults; Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright and .... innocent from the great transgression". But these days, man’s heart is set to do evil, because of no immediate or speedy punishment or judgment. And so we see a wicked man doing more wickedness and yet he prospers. But when God starts punishing the people, they can't escape.


Prov.14:35 - "The King’s favour is toward a wise servant; but his wrath is against him that causeth shame". 16:15 - "In the light of the king’s countenance is life; and his favour is as a cloud of the latter rain".

On the other hand, any good act in support of the people of the Royal Seed was counted as qualification for the King’s favour, in the same way as anything against the people of the Seed was considered to be a disqualification - Matt.25:31-46.

When the Seed of the Lord God had left a place, there was no protection to that place and the people there, even to Israel. God had to destroy for sin the Kingdom of Solomon, after the seed of the Lord God was sent away from there to Nathan line here in the East. But on the other hand, when Joshua covenanted with the Captain of the Hosts of the Lord (Joshua 5:13-15), he won all battles and he was able to do great things for the Lord God’s Seed which went with him - (whole book of Joshua). We see also that the Lord God even appeared to the True Seed of David who wait patiently. Note Jacob’s dream in Gen.28:10-15, in which the Lord appeared to Jacob.

We can take many examples for favour and disfavour, but we will stop here, so that you may search and find out the relevant scriptures yourself and study them in detail in the new light.


"I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and Morning Star" - Rev.22:16.

"A glorious High Throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary" - Jeremiah 17:12.

"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne" - Rev.3:21.

Bible Scholars have asserted:

(i) "No figure of speech in the Bible ever does away with the literal truth but merely expresses it in another way, even though in figures".

(ii) "Take every statement in the Bible as literal when it is all possible and where it is clear that it is literal; otherwise it is figurative".


To know well about God we must be clear about Him in every respect and then we can consider about the Throne of God. There is only One True God and anything more than that is ridiculous.


Eternal Self-existent Perfect Absolutely Holy

Infinite Omnipotent Invisible And Just

Immutable Omnipresent Impartial Full of knowledge

Indestructible Omniscient Immortal And Wisdom


The word "Trinity" is not in the Bible and cannot be regarded at all. We have a Great God with many manifestations, and we have one God who has many offices, but never three gods or two, or 30 million gods. You must be clear about this, otherwise ask God to reveal you about Himself. Just like anyone inside a closed room cannot see the sun, so you cannot have a revelation of the Sun of Righteousness if you are inside a closed human-made denomination. May the Almighty God reveal to you Himself, His Full Light.

In the Bible, God is described as being like a human being, having a body, soul and spirit - (Job 13:8; Heb.1:3; Dan.7:9-14; 10:5-7).

He is a Spirit being with a body (Dan.7:9-14; 10:5-6,9-19; Ex.24:11; Gen.18:1-33; Ezek.1:26-28; Acts 7:54-59; Rev.4:2-4; 5:1,5-7; 22:4-5).

Human Shape (John 5:37).

Human Form (Phil.2:5-7 in which occurs the same Greek Word as in Mark 16:12, which refers to bodily form).

Image and likeness of a man (Gen.1:26; 9:6; Ezek.1:26-28); I Cor.11:7;Jos.3:9;Dan.7:9-13;10:5-6).

He has back parts - so must have front parts (Ex.33:23).

He has a heart (Gen.6:6; 8:21).

He has hands and fingers (Ex.31:18; Ps.8:3-6; Rev.5:1,6-7).

He has nostrils (Ps.18:15).

He has mouth (Numbers 12:8), lips and tongue (Is.30:27).

He has feet (Ezek.1:27; Ex.24:10).

He has eyes, eyelids, sight (Ps.11:4; 18:24; 33:18).

He has voice (Ps.29; Rev.10:3-4; Gen. Ch.1).

He has breath (Gen.2:7).

He has ears (Ps.18:6).

He has a countenance (Ps.11:7).

He has hair, head, face and arms (Dan.7:9-14; 10:5-19; Rev.5:1,6-7; 22:4-6).

He has loins (Ezek.1:26-28; 8:1-4).

His bodily presence can be felt (Gen.3:8; 18:1-22; Job 1:6-12; 2:1-7; Ex.24:10-11).

And many other bodily parts as are required of him to be a human person or a person with a body.

He wears clothes (Dan.7:9-14; 10:5-19).

He eats (Gen.18:1-22; Rev.3:20).

He rests because he ceases activity on completing a work (Gen.2:1-4; Heb.4:4).

He dwells in a mansion and in a city located on a material planet called Heaven (John 14:1-3; Heb.11:10-16; 13:14; Rev.3:12; 21:1-27).

He sits on a throne (Is.6:1-8; Rev.4:1-5; 22:3-5).

He walks (Gen.3:8; 18:1-22,33).

He rides upon cherubs, the winds, clouds and chariots drawn by cherubims (Ps.18:10; 68:17; 104:3; Ezek.1:1-28).

And He does do and can do anything that is right and good and that any other person can do bodily.


In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; And without Him was not anything made that was made - John 1:1-3.

When a man is dormant, he does not think or meditate. When he starts thinking, he plans something; and when he finalises his thinking then he speaks out his thought. So when a man speaks out, it is the word of that man; that is, he gives a form for his thinking, but before that form came out by appearance, it was in his mind and then no one could see his thinking. So also the Great God with His great foreknowledge knowing the whole plan for the ages made the blue print of what He was going to do, and divulged the blue print in parts at sundry times and in diverse manners, according to the particular age and time - Heb.1:1-2. And sealed the most important things to be made clear at the end-time. So at first, He formed Himself into a form and started creating the heaven and earth perfectly. He called this form of Himself as "The Word" or "Logos"; and when He became a form, it was the beginning and the first form He made, He called "The First Born" (Ps.89:27) or "Begotten Son" (John 1:18), even though it was Himself, so as to say that He came down from the level of unseen God for the seeing and believing people to see him; but He chose out of human beings the form (Son of David) by His foreknowledge. Then only He can reveal the plan and the laws of God, for the people to follow. That is why it is said: "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law" - (Deut.29:29). In the form of the Son of God only, He can Himself reveal the Father, the One True God, according to the Word of God - Compare Luke 10:22: "All things are delivered to me of my Father; no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal Him".


According to Gen.1:1, there was a perfect world order, as whatever God does is perfect; and according to Isaiah 45:18, He formed the earth to be inhabited. Gen.1:2 says that the earth was without form and void. So there was a great catastrophe before that, which God does not want to relate for reasons of His own, but we can know through the prophets what had happened before. Just as we do not relate to our children anything which will not edify them but rather hide it from them, God will not elaborate on this long period of Angelic Rule, for "it is the glory of God to conceal a thing" - Prov.25:2.

The Throne of God was there already in existence, and we know, Lucifer was kept as a trustworthy angel to guard God’s throne, he being the "anointed cherub that covereth" - Ezek.28:14. He was not to sit on the throne, but submit himself to the Lord Who was the King of glory. But the verses in Ezek.28:1-19 and Is.14:12-15 prove that he failed in the test, as he sinned by coveting the throne in his heart, and so he was stripped of his status, and the whole world under the Angelic Rule was destroyed by water and the Adamic age started.


Tests are absolutely necessary for any material thing that is made, to discover if it does exactly what it is designed and made for. The same thing is true for free moral agents who are capable of voluntary choices concerning moral tests. All free-will agents must eventually learn the following lessons:

1. That God must be respected and obeyed.

2. That His laws are final and just.

3. That sin or transgression of God’s laws, does not pay and will never be excused.

4. That God’s form of government is the only correct one.

5. That a loving and free submission to God is the highest and most agreeable principle of any free moral being or moral government.

6. That justice and righteousness must prevail or else no society can be eternally preserved in the universe.

7. That consecration to the greatest God of all is the very nature and highest glory of the creature.

8. That God is merciful and forgiving to rebels who will be penitent and who learn obedience through their experiences.

9. That God is the only absolutely just and perfect being and the only One capable and worthy of unquestionable authority.

10. That all the accusations of present day rebels against God are untrue.

11. That God does only those things that are for the common good of all creation.

12. That He should, by fixture of His own position as Creator, Preserver, Governor and Lord, and by His own history of justice and righteousness in all of His dealings, be recognised by all as the Supreme Moral Governor of the Universe, and any place or position where He sets His seal should be honoured and respected at all costs to get His Love and favor.

Until free moral agents of all kinds learn these lessons, they naturally are in ignorance of certain primary facts essential for life, and need much training in respect of those facts.


The Word was created in the beginning before all other things were formed - (Proverbs 8:22-31). Many people today say that if they are made to be a "Serpent’s seed", nobody could help them, even God; but such people throw in the gloves and will not do anything but blame God and submit to fatalism, which is totally wrong, God in His foreknowledge sees the whole thing which the free moral beings will do, and then predestinates; and He does not predestinate some for total wickedness and some for total righteousness. Your free actions decides for you and not God. Wake up, then, thou fatalist, and submit to the Lord Jesus and accept Him as your own, and then see the change that the Holy Spirit brings about in your life, because the Holy Spirit is given to you for that very purpose.

We have seen why and how Lucifer was pushed out from the position of "covering cherub" (Ezek.28:16) in heaven. Heaven is always God’s throne. That is why Jesus taught us to pray: "Let thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Heaven can never be shaken, but the earth was misled by Lucifer; and so one set of people choose the Throne of God which is heaven, and they are the righteous people of God; and the other is "serpent’s seed" who choose the world and enjoy the earth, forgetting the Lord. Worshipping created things and forgetting the Creator, not listening to the Word of God, which says: "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him" - I John 2:15. Though money is the root of all evil in the earth - (I Tim.6:10), money and fame are the main pursuits for such earthly people and they see and believe. But the standard of heaven is faith which just says, "Obey the word of the Great King, even if you cannot believe His mode of action", and the faith people do obey the King. Trusting in his backing up his command which never fails.


"If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death. THERE IS A SIN UNTO DEATH: I DO NOT SAY THAT HE SHALL PRAY FOR IT. ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS IS SIN: and there is a SIN NOT UNTO DEATH." - I John.5:16-17.


Even in the worldly government, if a man breaks an ordinary social law, he is tried; and though many times he is punished, he can still receive grace; but when he attacks the government, then he has no mercy and if he is found to be a traitor to the country’s government, he is killed immediately, many times even without a trial, and sometimes with trial. But God judges the sin against the Throne in a quick way and never has He forgiveness therefore. For an ordinary sin, though it is serious, if the sinner has the blood over it, he can have it erased. But the sin against the Throne of God is sin unto death.

In a big country, there is a Central Government and there are State Governments as well. Breaches of certain moral laws are punishable with death of the both, but faults like drinking, smoking etc., are not punishable with death. So also laws like the ten commandments are serious moral laws, the transgression of which was punishable with death in the days of Moses and the law. For the Government of God’s people whose King is the King of Heaven, the sin against the Throne of God is against the Seed of David, and only for this sin there is no forgiveness, because it is a sin unto death of the soul. If you can understand this, you will be serious, if the sinner has the blood over it, he can have it erased. But the sin against the Throne of God is sin unto death.

The sin unto death is sealed until now and it is revealed to the people of God, so that after God came down they should know it to enable them to differentiate between life and death. Millions and millions of saints of God happily laid down their lives at the altar of God in order that they will not sin unto death, and it was not a failure of their belief and faith on their King. So, Bride of God, how much more faithful and true you should be in not sinning the sin unto death to qualify you for Glory without death. Come out of all false cults, religions and denominations which do not agree totally with the revealed word of God spoken through the prophets of God and now spoken by the Lord God Himself, directly opening all seals at the end-time which prophets saw, but the secret about Himself was not revealed fully to them. Please, please, therefore, O Bride of God, do not even think in your hearts to sin unto death of your soul.


In Genesis, God tells the mode of making the earth habitable again. On the sixth day, God made man in His own image, male and female He made them - (Gen.5:1). Both male and female, He called Adam - (5:2). The word ‘Trinity’ was formed by people who failed God and became disobedient. This is Satan’s masterpiece to take away people’s loyalty from the King of Heaven. We do not have three gods but one God.

In the plan of God, God works for six days, and on the seventh day God rests. This is a sign to show the people of God that seven great dispensations are to come, in six of which God personally does the working, and (on the seventh day) in the seventh age, He ceases working directly. We have had six thousand years of God personally working in the offices of Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and to type it, God worked as Father in Abraham, as Son in Isaac and as Holy Spirit in Jacob; and so God called Himself, the God (singular, not plural) of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and not three Gods. Come back to the one true God Who is the King of Heaven from times untold. First, God in Eternity; and during the Angelic age, the Throne was empty but covered with glory, and the Word was with God - (Proverbs 8:30-31) - (that was the Age of the Father. Then from Adam’s Day till Calvary is the Son’s Day (the Son’s Age - God acting in Son’s place), and from Calvary to the time the Man Child is caught up to God and His Throne is the Holy Spirit’s Day (the Holy Spirit’s Age); and the Millennium is the Son of David’s Day when God ceased His work as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and He allows a human being of His choice in the seed of Abraham and David’s line, to sit on the throne, and He as King rules through him. He (the human being) in turn allows God to do everything and seats God on the throne and gives all glory to God, like King David. Compare Luke 1:32 - "The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David", and Ps.89:27- "I will make him my firstborn".

To make the Son of David "God’s First-Born", he should have been before also; and so, the Son of David called the "Lord God" in Luke 1:32. "No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven" - (Jn.3:13). This is true at the time when Jesus was on the earth. Heaven must receive him until such time - (Acts 3:21).

                                                                                                             Cont..d..in Part II =>

                                                                        Message Delivered By:
                                                                        Bro. R. Paulaseer Lawrie
"New Jerusalem"
Manujothi Ashram,
Sathia Nagaram
(Via) Pappagudi - 627 602.
Tirunelveli District,
South India.







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