Welcome to Rail's Place!

Do you know why we eat turkey and
pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving Day?

A long time ago, people called the Pilgrims
came to America. After their first
harvest, they were so thankful to have a
new land and enough food to eat, that they

planned a special day for giving thanks to God.

To celebrate, they had a big dinner of the food
that they found in their new land.

For part of their dinner, the Pilgrim fathers killed
fat, funny-looking birds that made a "gobble, gobble" noise. They were the first Thanksgiving Day turkeys.

For dessert, the Pilgrim mothers made a pudding out of pumpkins. Those puddings were the first Thanksgiving Day pumpkin "pies."

Today, you eat turkey and pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving Day just as the Pilgrims did many years ago.

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to stop
for a few moments and really think about all
we have to be thankful for.

I am thankful for being born into a loving family
in the United States of America.

I am thankful for my husband. He is the love
of my life and my best friend. He makes me laugh
and holds me when I need to cry!

I am thankful for my children. I am thankful that
they have the ability to leave their fingerprints
on the walls, and their muddy footprints on the floors.

I am thankful for this wonderful thing we call
the world wide web. I have met so many
wonderful people, and have had such a good time
making all my pages.

Please take a moment this Thanksgiving and think
about all you have to be thankful for, you might
just be surprised!

May you have a wonderfully
Blessed Thanksgiving

Railroad Widow & Family

Some of the graphics on my page
were found at:




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