Welcome to my Guestbook! Please leave your information so that others may view them. Don't forget to check back often. Best of luck to all of you :)

Donnella White - 09/13/00 16:43:45
My Email:MsNoNo9845@aol.com
DOB:: 11/26/1970
City Born:: Columbus, Indiana
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Aunt
Searching for:: Nephew
Birth Name:: Jeremy Chad White
County Of Adoption:: Bartholomew County

ISO, nephew who was born in Columbus, Indiana on November 26, 1970. Adoption was handled by the Bartholomew County Welfare Department. The attending physician was Dr. Snyder. If you know of someone who may fit the above criteria, then please e-mail me ASAP for I have been searching for a long time.

sharon - 09/10/00 07:34:37
My Email:chimaven@aol.com
DOB:: 11-30-1969
City Born:: lafayette
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: birthmom
Searching for:: baby girl
Birth Name:: paley

found her on a reistry e-mail invalid if anyone knows adoptee born on this date please e-mail me

Marie Lentz - 06/09/00 19:19:02
My Email:mariel@citadelap.com
DOB:: 8-14-72
City Born:: Indianapolis
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Sibline
Searching for:: Half brother
Birth Name:: Danny Ray DesRoches
County Of Adoption:: Marion

I am searching for brother for my mother who has thought of "Danny" always. He was born when she was only 18 and single, before she married my father. I think finding him would finally "complete" her. If anyone knows anything, please, feel free to cont ct me. Thanks! Great site!!

MARY LEE SWAN{PROPES} - 05/21/00 23:15:20
My Email:squawchickswan@netscape.net
DOB:: 3/15/1960
City Born:: KOKOMO,IND.
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: birthmother
Searching for:: adoptee
County Of Adoption:: HOWARD

Looking for son-born 3/15/1960 at 3:16p.m. in Kokomo, Ind.-Howard County-[St. Joseph's Hospital[Howard Comm.]& delivered by Dr. STANLEY MENDELSON-7lb 14oz.-white-mom was 15 dad was 24-both had near black hair & eyes-non id info given-both adoptive parents also white & born in Indiana. FORCED ADOPTION-ALWAYS LOVED & WANTED! :}

Geralyn - 04/18/00 21:06:23
My Email:Geralanb@cs.com
DOB:: 03/06/72
City Born:: St. Louis, MO
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Birthmother
Searching for:: baby girl
County Of Adoption:: E.St.Louis, St. Clair County, IL

I am a birthmom iso daughter born 3/6/72 in St. Louis, MO, Booth Memorial Hospital. Adopted as newborn through CatholicCharities, E.St.Louis/Belleville Diocese, IL. I am looking everywhere because I have learned in my search that records are so often fal ified and adoptees are 18% of the time given wrong birthdates by adopting parents. It is a loss to everyone. Everyone has a right to their heritage.

anna - 02/21/00 20:15:56
My URL:dreamwarden.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:anna@dreamwarden.freeserve.co.uk
DOB:: 8-11-61
City Born:: Dublin Ireeland
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: birthmother
Searching for:: bson
Birth Name:: Neil Mark Moran
County Of Adoption:: Dublin Ireland

Hiya! What a thought provoking page, I wish you all the best in your search for your bparents. anna bmother to Neil Mark Moran 22-12-81

Lori - 01/08/00 20:39:06
My Email:lorilynn@internetnw.net
DOB:: 5/14/63
City Born:: Marion County
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Male Adoptee
Searching for:: Birth Mother
Birth Name:: Do not know
County Of Adoption:: Marion County,Indianapolis

all I know is this and from the department of health that my mother was 20 at the time of birth. I was told I was bord at a big Luthern church in Indy.Birth certificate has a piece of scotch tape over the date. Can you help me help my husband?

Lori - 01/08/00 20:26:46
My Email:lorilynn@internetnw.net
DOB:: 5/14/63
City Born:: Marion County
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Adoptee
Searching for:: Birth Mother
Birth Name:: Do not know
County Of Adoption:: Marion County,Indianapolis

all I know is this and from the department of health that my mother was 20 at the time of birth. I was told I was bord at a big Luthern church in Indy.Birth certificate has a piece of scotch tape over the date. Can you help me help my husband?

Jmaes Farrell - 01/06/00 02:09:02
My Email:shillyer@davesworld.net
DOB:: 11/08/64
City Born:: Terre Haute
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Adoptee
Searching for:: Birth Family
Birth Name:: John Hughes

Birth Mothers name, Anna Marie Hughes. Thanks for a wonderful site!! Happy searching to all!!!

Jodi Greenfelder - 11/29/99 02:05:52
My Email:Jkgarland@aol.com
DOB:: 11-2-57
City Born:: Sullivan, Indiana
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: adopted cousin
Searching for:: birth mother
Birth Name:: William Gordon Howe

THis is a lovely site. So much information.

Diana Lanning - 10/25/99 00:05:53
DOB:: 1-3-49
City Born:: Beech Grove
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Sibline
Searching for:: Moulden
Birth Name:: Carl William Moulden
County Of Adoption:: Marion

Carl William Moulden,DOB unknown possible 1928, possible mother Hazel possible born Hope, IN. Carl's father died late 40's, mother Hazel walked away never to be heard from again. Have searched for 20 yrs. and cannot find info on Hazel.

Stephen - 10/11/99 13:33:15
My Email:Chmura90@hotmail.com
DOB:: 13 NOV 1983
City Born:: Lafayette, IN
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Birthparent
Searching for:: daughter
Birth Name:: Ashley, Nicole

Great sight

Ellen - 08/25/99 09:53:52
My Email:Pellen@webtv.net
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Birthparent

Just wanted to say that you have such a nice site and to say thanks for helping everyone. I am looking for my 3 babies and thought I had problems but I know now that mine are very minor compared to some of the stories. Keep up the good work and good luck in your search. Again, THANK YOU

birthdays - 08/15/99 18:17:28
My URL:http://home.infospace.com/rootsday1


Sara Evans - 08/08/99 23:42:08
My Email:Sara21385@aol.com
DOB:: 2/13/85
City Born:: Portsmouth, Virginia
Birth Name:: Sara Elizabeth Evans

Well, I wasn't adopted- but I plan on adopting my children. I'm 14 years old and right now I live in Louisville, Kentucky. What has gone on in the past with selling babies illegally is just aweful and I wish there were some way I could help. I just wan ed to say to anyone who sees this, that on behalf of the people that have made mistakes that have effected your lives- I'm sorry. Going through what you have gone through in your lives, to most people is just unimaginable. You all are strong people. Ke p doing what you're doing and some type of closure will come up eventually. Most of you are probably thinking "Well, how would she know?". And you have every right to think that because in all actuality, I don't know. But- even though I don't know, I c n always hope. And that's what I'm doing. I'm hoping that someday nobody will have to feel alone or unwanted- because whether you know it or not, you are the world to somebody and somebody loves you. Keep it real until that day- I hope I have been or s meday will be a shining light in someone's life like you all have been to the parents that have adopted you ;o)

paula shenkel - 06/30/99 11:52:15
My Email:chelbyrae@webtv.net
DOB:: 8-28-59
City Born:: Borne, Massachusetts
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: i am a birthmother
Searching for:: birthson
Birth Name:: christopher lawrence
County Of Adoption:: marion cty, indpls, indiana

wonderful page chris,,,thanks for you help and understanding .. ISO son ,born 12-23-1978 in St. Vincents Hospital,,indianapolis , indiana...placed through St. Elizabeths home,,, a day don't go by that i am not searching for you...and will forever till we finally meet..

paula shenkel - 06/30/99 11:43:10
My Email:chelbyrae@webtv.net
DOB:: 8-28-59
City Born:: Borne, Massachusetts
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: birthparent
Searching for:: birthson
Birth Name:: christopher lawrence kopchak
County Of Adoption:: marion, indpls, indiana

nice site to visit...very helpful and full of listings of those searching...hope one day to find my son, thanks to people like you willing to help and take time to post to the web..thanks again paule

Melanie Haviland - 06/04/99 15:30:09
My URL:http://geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:Colebaby3@hotmail.com
DOB:: 11-9-54
City Born:: Miami, Fl.
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: adoptee
Searching for:: any birth family
Birth Name:: unknown
County Of Adoption:: black market adoption

Adopted through Katherine M. Cole, Ruby Sutera, and the Suarez Clinic. If you have information on my birth, or the birth of any of the other Cole babies, please contact me. Thank you for letting me post my info. here.

Linda Homeier - 05/10/99 23:55:00
My Email:homey@peganet.com
DOB:: 5/25/1949
City Born:: Frankfort
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Adoptee
Searching for:: Birth mother/family/info
Birth Name:: Unknown
County Of Adoption:: Clinton

Searching for Dorothy Emmert/Emmett, siblings, family,information. Need to finally put all of my ghosts to rest.

Ann Allen - 03/19/99 15:39:01
My Email:pepperwood@hoosierlink.net

I'm not searching for anyone, but as a freelance writer I'm very interested in what you're doing. Do black-gray markets require parental ID? This theme works into a project I'm developing and I would be interested in discussing your progress and learning ore about the subject. And if there are any people in my area - Akron, IN - working on this, I would like to write an article about their plight and successes/failures.

Lezli - 03/12/99 15:44:58
My Email:Bacagma@aol.com
DOB:: io/io/68
City Born:: Cincinnati,Ohio
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: I am birthmother
Searching for:: birthdaughter
Birth Name:: Karen E> York
County Of Adoption:: Vanderburgh

my dtr was born in Cincinnati because CC in Evansville sent me there. She was adopted through CC in Evansville. I think her name is Julia Hagel and the adoptive parents are Robert and Patricia Hagel who live in Washington, Ind. I have seen her picturein a yearbook and am 99.9% sure she is mine. I have also discovered she was born in Cinn. on the right date and time. I have not contacted aparents yet, many people have advised me not to, to try and find Julie first. CC in Evansville is not very cooperative, t's a personal issue really. I don't want to pay $75 for information I GAVE them. I am also very interested in becoming involved in Indiana adoption issues as well as helping others search in Indiana. I have attempted to join the onelist support list, don t know if it worked or not.I could ramble for hours, lol, but will stop. Please send me any information available.

Dawn Lindborg - 02/09/99 01:17:23
My Email:lindborg@netnitco.net
DOB:: June 26, 1971
City Born:: Fort Wayne
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Adoptee
Searching for:: Any birth relatives.
Birth Name:: Unknown
County Of Adoption:: Lake County

Just wanted to say that the article in the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette was excellent. I have also visited your website often in the past month or so since I decided to begin searching for my birth family. I was very moved by your story and for a moment t ought that this woman could have played a part in my birth, but then I discovered the date that she died. I was adopted through the Lake County Department of Welfare even though I was born in Fort Wayne. Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck in yo r search.

Michelle Hills - 01/30/99 23:49:53
My URL:http://onmacon.com/wvg/index.htm
My Email:wildvirgogirl@onmacon.com
DOB:: 08.30.68
City Born:: Pasadena [CA]
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Adoptee
Searching for:: Birthparents
Birth Name:: Krista M. Branman
County Of Adoption:: Los Angeles County

I wish you luck on your story with the Fort Wayne Reporter. I'm one of your list sibs on the VOA list serv and I just thought I'd pop in to see your site. Michelle - CA Adoptee, 1968 Searching...

Fred Lee Whitaker - 01/08/99 01:24:04
My Email:Tiger2@edge.net
DOB:: Dec 1, 1968
City Born:: Evansville
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: adoptee
Searching for:: birth mother
Birth Name:: Richard Brock
County Of Adoption:: Vanderburg

I am looking for my birth mother whose name was Judy Ann Brock in Dec of 68. I have read the letter that she wrote to my adoptive parents and I understand fully. I have a longing to get to know the lady who gave me birth. Please contact me if anyone ou there knows anything about my adoption.

Tonya Fisher - 12/23/98 12:48:23
My Email:MoonMist69@hotmail.com
DOB:: 01/19/67
City Born:: Detroit, MI
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: sibling
Searching for:: birth sister
Birth Name:: Dawn Marie Dodd
County Of Adoption:: United States

Im searching for a biracial female born in Detroit in January 1967. She was born at William Booth Memorial. The adoption was handled by Lutheran Social Services of Michigan. The adoptive family is African American. They were both 40 at the time they a opted my sister. They had three biological children of their own. They later adopted another child through the same agency in 1968. The were of baptist faith and very involved in their church community. The adoptive mother was a school teacher and the adoptive father was a jouneyman painter. The date of relinquishment was July 10, 1967. The date the adoption was finalized was November 18, 1968. The adoption went through the Wayne County Probate Courts. The caseworkers name was Moons. My sister has never opened her records at the agency. I was the first to ever ask about the file.

Donnella R. White - 12/18/98 17:29:39
My Email:whiterk@gateway.net
DOB:: Nov. 26, 1970
City Born:: Columbus, IN
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Aunt and Uncle
Searching for:: Nephew
Birth Name:: Jeremy Chad
County Of Adoption:: Bartholomew


Janice Barnes - 12/07/98 22:15:39
My Email:barnesm@rtcol.com
DOB:: 11-04-66
City Born:: Indianapolis, Indiana
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Bparent
Searching for:: daughter
Birth Name:: ? Lisenko
County Of Adoption:: St Joseph


Mary Miller - 12/04/98 22:58:49
My Email:lonelywriter@worldnet.att.net
DOB:: 09-07-48
City Born:: Bradford Pa.
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Bmom
Searching for:: adoptee
Birth Name:: Thelma Marie
County Of Adoption:: unknown


Peggy B. - 12/03/98 17:58:43
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/4392/
My Email:Degal@dol.net
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Reunited birthmother!: )

This is a great site--I followed your link from the Black Market Adoptee site-(http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Garden/1903/index.html).Good luck in your search! Peggy

Melanie Haviland - 12/03/98 15:40:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Fields/9298/Colebaby.html
My Email:melrob@banet.net
DOB:: 11-9-54
City Born:: Miami, Florida
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: adoptee
Searching for:: birth family
County Of Adoption:: Dade

Hi Cris: Your website looks great and you're doing a wonderful job. Hopefully more black market adoptees will surface, as will their birth families. I have a registry for Cole babies: Those adopted in Miami, Fl. through Katherine M. Cole, Ruby Sutera, and the Suar z Clinic. Please come visit our site.

Sheryl - 11/12/98 20:00:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/park/3560
My Email:Slaughner@aol.com
DOB:: 12/08/61
City Born:: Lafayette, Indiana
Adoptee, Birthparent, or Sibline?: Sibling searching
Searching for:: adopted siblings
Birth Name:: McIntyre
County Of Adoption:: Montgomery County

Hi, You have done a great job! Thanks for another Indiana page!

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