Pack News!
Popcorn sales have started. Please take the time to review with your scout
the right and wrong way to sell their items. Popcorn is a very important fund
raiser for us and we should all take it seriously. The more we sell, the better
the year will be. Support scouting and help your little scout sell, sell,
sell! Check out Trails End's web sight for ideas on how to use the popcorn
sales for achivements and badges!
The next meeting is October 19th. The activity planned for this meeting
is pumpkin decoration. Please bring a pumpkin and some things to use for decorations.
Yarn, paints, markers, glue, glitter, construction paper, and anything else
you think will work. We will stay away from carving the pumpkins since they
won't last so long if we do. The pumpkins will be donated to local charities.