This is my credits page.
On this page you will find the names of all the people
that have provided me with the graphics on my site.

I am in the prosess of creating my own graphics for my pages.
However, there are a few that I have been given permission to use.
But regardless if I replace the graphics with my own,
these names will always be here as a thank you to all
the people that have been so kind to me.

First, I would like to thank Maggie.
The graphics on this page is an example of her talent.
Please stop by her site and see
her other beautiful works.

Thank you Maggie!!

I have been honored with one of
Roxy's awards.Thank You so much Roxy.
You don't know how truely greatful I am.
Visit her site to see all her creations.
Click on the award and you will be transported
to a graphics wonderland.



Some of the other Graphics have been provided
by Larkspur. She has truely been a great help.
Thank you for all your help and humor Teddy.
Please visit her web.

Nature Grapics 

The Button I am using to take you to Teresa's Graphics,
is an example of her work. Teresa has such a kind heart.
She has allowed me to alter some of her graphics to fit my page.
This is not even heard of by most creators.
For that, I am truely grateful.
I consider her not only a mentor, but a friend.
Thank you Teresa.

This site is truely inspirational.
If you love the wilds, she has some incredible backgrounds.
She also has religious backgrounds.
I used the Jesus set for one of my pages.


There are a lot of little gifts for a Homepage at this site. Great decorations.


Scroll to the bottom to sign my guest book or to go back to the index page. 






















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