Welcome to my Garden Guestbook!
Thanks for visiting and signing in!
I hope you've enjoyed your tour in The Wild Eden of the West™
Joe Roy

Rollie Starry - 10/30/00 05:36:38
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/jollyrollie/doc
My Email:jollyrollie@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: Only in Kauai, Hawaii
What type of gardening?: Flowers
Where?: Hawaii
How much time spent gardening?: Winter

Nice website one where we can feel comfortable while being here. Now if you would be so kind as to sign my guestbook.

Karen - 09/29/00 14:41:44
My Email:Tarfeathers@ebtv.net
Do you have a garden?: yes
What type of gardening?: flowers
Where?: backyard

Love your site..and the peaceful sound of the ocean waves is a delight..thank you.

Sizcat - 09/29/00 01:07:24
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/Sizcat/doc
My Email:Sizcat@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: no
What type of gardening?: few flowers
How much time spent gardening?: none
Share my site?: yes

Your pics are lovely. I will tell others.

Ace Moore - 09/28/00 02:08:23
My Email:Acejr710@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: No
Where?: UTAH (gr basin)

Like your site. I'm almost 80 yrs along & gardening is too labor intensive in this desert. I had 8 fruit trees at one time--- the only remaining is a golden deliscious.Have a beautiful Eng. walnut tree in frint. Both are producing huge crops this yr. 99 w s a lousy yr,no walnuts & maybe a doz wormy apples. Fruit trees do not grow properly in "yards".

SUZYQ - 09/28/00 01:58:36
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/SuZyQ119/WELCOMETOOURHOME
My Email:SuZyQ1219@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: no
What type of gardening?: none

you have a really nice page.

Chris - 09/20/00 05:02:11
My URL:http://www.thundercore.com
My Email:corecrew@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: No

Both of my grandfathers always have gardens. My grandmother has lots of flowers. Someday I'll have one of my own. Thanks for being so nice and helpful to me. Take care !

Janice - 06/23/00 04:50:01
Do you have a garden?: A little one
What type of gardening?: Flowers
Where?: on my padio
How much time spent gardening?: 1hr. a day
Any tips?: I talk to them .
Share my site?: I will, you have a goog one

I don,t belong on the funny farm!! My grandmother years ago had a flower bed an my grandpa talked to them and they grew.
Gardener's reply:

Mar - 04/26/00 23:17:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/goforitnow/photos.html
My Email:m2165@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: not any more

I enjoyed you page very much.I just got too old & can`t stoop or bend anymore so now I enjoyed other`s gardens.Come over & visit my pages that`s how I spend my time now

Angie - 04/07/00 17:25:46
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/ToKewl2banangel/WelcomeToMyWorld
My Email:ToKewl2banangl@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: no
What type of gardening?: weeds nothing but weeds :(
Where?: All over
How much time spent gardening?: I should spend more time.
Any tips?: I can use all the tips I can get!

Your page is interesting. I am glad you took a moment to share it with me. Thanks Bunches

Steve - 03/20/00 02:33:02
My Email:sosiehr@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: yes
What type of gardening?: Shade, Grass, and Vegetable
Where?: Wis.
How much time spent gardening?: More hours than I can count
Share my site?: Working on a site

Nice cafe, you need to have a slow scrowl on that cloud background to go along with the sound of the ocean.... Nice site and good to talk with you about WebTv today. Steve

Janice - 02/20/00 07:14:41
My URL:http://community-1.webtv.net/JaniceinS pring/WELCOMETOMYLITTLE/index.html
My Email:JaniceinSpring@webtv .net
Do you have a garden?: no

Love your site.The pictures are fabulous,so was the sound of the waves.Felt like I was in your garden.Thanks for sharing.Can't offer a lovely garden but try some traveling,stop by.

Mur - 02/08/00 02:31:55
My Email:sun-luvr@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: yes
What type of gardening?: roses and flowers
Where?: Florida
How much time spent gardening?: Fire ants deter me
Any tips?: not really

Love your page, visited your coffee shop, too!Love the sound of the waves, I could use that onthe page I`m starting. Great job, wish I had your skill.

walt shermer - 01/09/00 19:20:40
My URL:http://magicmoments vid@webtv.net
My Email:magicmomentsvid@web tv.net
Do you have a garden?: very small
What type of gardening?: vegetable
Where?: next to house in the sun
How much time spent gardening?: very little..I dislike weeds

You have a nice site ( web and home ). I'm sure living on west coast is very different than here in new england (enfield ct.). I'm going to save your website so my wife can see what she is missing. Also good luck with your new Micron computer. walt sherme

ME Woods - 01/06/00 01:15:18
My Email:woodsland@webtv.netDo you have a garden?: yes
What type of gardening?: flower and herb
Where?: Missouri
How much time spent gardening?: much too much

very interesting!

Scott Swager - 12/12/99 17:54:16
My URL:htt p://www.geocities.com/PicketFence/Garden/1647
My Email:lionseyes1@webtv.net
Do you have a garden?: yes
What type of gardening?: peppers/tomatoes
Where?: back yard
How much time spent gardening?: 2 hrs week
Any tips?: miricle grow

Hello- sounds like we live in relatively the same neiborhoods, both cyber and real. What a coincidence. I live in Jolon (Ft Hunter Liggett) and Picket Fence/Garden in Geocities!! Anyway, I`m a Carpenter/Milwright and Woodturner. Will be getting some new photos of my turning soon. Nice to meet you.

Alexis - 04/06/99 02:51:43
My URL:http://welcome.to/lexie< br> Your favorite garden spot?: Camelot Gardens
Do you have a garden trail?: Yes :o)
Where do you sit in your garden?: In a bent wood love seat under an old oak tree
Do you have birds & squirrels?: Yes :o)
What do you like about gardening?: It is so peaceful and enlightening
Do you have a garden? What kind?: Yes, over 4 acres, anything that will grow in Ohio

Hello :o)
This is a Random Act of Kindness.
I'm here to wish you a very happy day.
*hugs* Alexis

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

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