First Baptist
Church of Vineland, NJ
OUR FUTURE Dear Church Member: Said Alice to the Cheshire Cat, Which way shall I go? Said the cat, Where do you want to go? I really don't know, answered Alice. Then, said the cat, if you don't know where you want to go, it doesn't matter which way you go, does it? For the folds at First Baptist, Vineland, it does matter! We know where we are going - forward with a purpose - forward into the future of Christ! Our vision is to seek to turn people into fully committed and fully functioning followers of Christ! The mission is to prepare a community of believers to be Christ's followers so they can exhibit His concern for the world, both locally and globally. HOW can this happen? We must become concerned about reaching out to people: To lengthen our cords to make room for more. We need to become an inviting people! Please note the insert I Know a Prospect Please use it to help us become aware of those who are in your community of influence! We will do the inviting if you are reluctant - but please let us know of the prospect! We need to become concerned about spiritual growth: To strengthen our stakes means we are serious about developing Christ's character in ourselves and our families and we will do our part to equip the Family of God here at First Baptist, Vineland. We need to show we care about the world around us! We want our tent to be large enough to embrace and include the world. It is not enough for us to reach out to our neighbors! We need to extend ourselves to include those not just like us. This will mean crossing some boundaries, such as racial, economic, worldviews, as well as geographic! Are you interested? I AM EXCITED about it and I hope you are too! What does all this mean to you and to me? It means that there will not be worship as usual. Now don't get scared - we will just be opening our arms to include others - and that should be what we want to do - that is what the Lord has commissioned us to do!
First - Everyone can help in this area. Please make this a priority in your prayer life. Ask God specifically what He would have you do in this effort! Ask Him to help you see His vision for First Baptist!
Will you catch the vision with us? If you do then you will want to find out all about what you can do! We will need everyone to accomplish this task. Your commitment will include being there on the Lord's Day to support His work and to understand His will for you and for His Church.
Third - We need to grow in spirit and in numbers to bring in those who do not have a church home. Those who do not know the Lord as their Savior. This is where you can help! Please take the time to fill in the blanks on the I Know a Prospect form and give it to me as soon as possible! We need to make a Great Commotion about the Great Commission! (Matthew 28:19-20) I know not everyone can be actively involved in the go (visitation) portion of outreach. That is Okay! But everyone can help with the I Know a Prospect portion of the outreach. I thank you for taking the time to read this letter. It comes out of a deep concern for the future of this church. The Scriptures tell us that Where there is no vision the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18) I want to be in tune with the Lord's will - to be seeking His vision for our future - please pray with me for His leading! Serving Our Lord Pastor Bob Coddington