Volume III, Issue 2 | April/May/June 2000 |
Deaf Perspective
One issue that should greatly concern the deaf community, but because of its ramifications, could damage the frail reputation that they already struggle to overcome, is alcoholism. With existent negative labels such as "deaf and dumb" or "deformed", alcoholism is an ugly enough word in itself, one to cause many people to shy away from. However, the deaf community should tackle this concern, boldly, before it becomes a problem and instead of damage control on the prestige of being deaf, we need damage prevention: education, community outreach, support groups, and rehabilitation. My call for concern does not stem from scientific study or sociological survey, but through my own personal dealings with the deaf. I have been approached in assisting at AA meetings, listened to sad accounts of marriages destroyed by drinking, and watched strong deaf men whither away by the destructive powers of alcoholism. On the outside, these same situations happen to people everyday. Why the cause for concern? Because the deaf community is a small, tight-knit group, almost ethnic in its make up. It is within this small group that I see a large portion of subjected to alcoholism. The impact that it can have on the deaf is enough to tear apart this closeness and forever mar the reputation they have strived to build thus far. |
From the Deaf's Perspective The purpose of this section is for your voice to be heard, please respond with your comments to: isign4deaf@theinterpreter.net.
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