Alyssa's 10th Birthday Anniversary
We held hands for an instance
Our family so complete
The three of us together
Our time all too brief
With shattered hearts and empty arms
Devastated beyond imagination
Our sweet little girl was gone
Gone from us forever
As years passed by the tears eased up
We laughed and lived again
A sadness always stays close by
One baby always missing
We speak your name quite often
We think it so much more
Loved and missed so desperately
Our beautiful little girl
With love always and forever
Mummy and Daddy xxxx
To Alyssa on the Anniversary of your 10th Birthday
Eyes so big and bright
Mop of thick dark curly hair
To me, so like your mum when she was born
So alert, so awake, so alive
How could it happen?
Why did it happen?
So unbelievable that you died and left us all
Each year we wonder
What would you have looked like?
How would you have talked, walked and laughed?
What would your own nature and character have been like?
Your life would have been so wonderful
With your great Mum and Dad
With your little sister Tara and little brother Ethan
Your Nanny and Pa.
With Grandpa and Me
All your Aunties, Uncles, Cousins and Friends
So sad you are not here with us
From your ever loving Nana
Alyssa's Footprints
(Please do not copy)
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.
- Source Unknown
[Alyssa's Story] [Alyssa's Photo's] [In Loving Memory]