
February 11, 1999


The Good News:

As some of you already know, I am in the process of moving, and we're almost finished :) For those of you who are new to the situation: My fiance and I are buying my parent's house, as my parents are buying/moving into the house we were renting from my grandmother. The remodeling is nearly done, and everything should (hopefully) be settled within this month.

The Bad News:  

My dear parents have decided they are taking the computer with them, why I don't know, they never use it (they also have a lap top.)  So, I will be unable to maintain Ferret Fans any longer.  My apologies to you all, I was under the impression they were leaving the computer until I could afford my own.  I will leave the pages up, but will no longer be updating them.  If anyone else wants to take over, by all means, please do, I hate for our little community to fall apart.   I've met a lot of really great people, and I will miss you.  Please contact me (while you can) if you are interested in maintaining the list.  Thanks for your understanding, Stargazer