For Muslim Parents
"Let ‘La ilaha illallah' (‘There is no god but Allah')
be the first words your children utter and instruct them
to say the same at the time of their death." [al-Bayhaqi]
My own children - Hurain and Ameel
Eid-ul-Fitr 1420 (January 2000)
When I first became familiar with the Internet, I discovered a wonderful variety of Islamic web sites with endless information. Mashallah. There were general Islamic sites, those for women only, some for converts, and plenty geared toward non-Muslims to introduce and educate them to our faith. But when it came time to search for some for my young daughter to enjoy, I could count on only one hand how many I could find.
Although my husband is a born Muslim, I am not. I embraced Islam soon after we married, Alhamdulillah. And now as a mother, I have the main responsibility to raise my children in as sound an Islamic environment as I can Inshallah. My daughter is now eight years old, and I already see her teenage years looming ahead of me.
Since I began this web site in September 1998, the number of Islamic sites for kids has slowly grown Subhanallah, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been concerned. Whenever I find a new kid's site, I add it to my page of kid's links. I hope that your children use them and enjoy them.
I have also noticed that most of the comments I have received in my Guestbook are actually from adults - this proves to me that adults are interested and concerned enough to seriously look at my site and to comment on it.
A parent of 4 kids (Mashallah) recently wrote to me with the following ideas, so use these to your advantage:
- Get involved with your children and take an active part in their lives at home, school, and community
- Reach out to society and let others see what Muslims are all about
- Enjoy your children, they'll grow before you know it
I can't claim to be an expert in the area of raising children as Muslims in America! (At least not until I see how my children turn out as adults Inshallah!) But Inshallah the efforts I have made will help you and your friends to raise your Muslim children as best you can.
Helpful Links for Muslim Parents:
The Family in Islam
Islamic Education Foundation
Education of Children in Ramadan
Sex Education - an Islamic Perspective
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