No pepper on our salad, thank you.



MSU Deer Repellent


Successful gardener Gina J. tells a story of long ago.  Her parents were listening to a Michigan State University Extension Radio Program, when the recipe for a deer repellent was given over the air.  “Write that down.” said her father.


They did.  Now years later, living in a part of Michigan where deer are plenty, Gina mixes this simple concoction and starts spraying as soon as she sees plant growth.  She sprays weekly for the first month and then less often after that.  But, she cautions, if you are having trouble with deer or are just starting to use this repellent, apply it at least 3 times a week.


“Remember,” Gina says, “Deer have foraging habits.  They often have a route and eat at certain places at certain times.  You have to break them of their habit.  I’ve worked at it.”



Gina’s MSU Deer Repellent



After blending ingredients in a blender until smooth,  pour the mixture into a one-gallon  container and top off with water.  Gina uses a garden sprayer that attaches to a hose, but doesn’t say what her application rate is so adjust that to suit yourself.


The solution needs to be reapplied after heavy downpours, but lasts through easy rains and the garlic seems to help keep the aphids away.


“Be persistent at first”, Gina said. “Be diligent. Continue to use it.  The deer really dislike it and I don’t know why.”


Let us know your results



This information appeared in the Marquette Mining Journal, June 6th 2002 in an article by A. M. Kelly.