"With heart, mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross"

For His Sake...
I am but one, but I am one.
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?

The Daughters of the King is an organization within the church, comprised of women with common goals. Those goals are a nurturing of women, acceptance of all people, the bridging of differences, and the cherishing of traditions.

These goals are brought about through the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. All Daughters of the King have their own Rule of Prayer, individual to her personality or circumstance, but she does pray every day. Something that is part of every Daughter's Rule, however is praying for the spread of Christ's Kingdom, for God's belssing upon the Order, and for spiritual growth, both for the Daughter, and for the parish and its clergy.

The Rule of Service is simply the application of the baptismal vow. That being, to be Christ's faithful servant here on Earth, to participate in worship, study, and work of the Church, and to render aid to the clergy of the church for the spiritual upbuilding of the parish.

dokpic.jpgA Chapter of the Daughters of the King was recently installed at All Saints' after a few months of study and learning. The ladies are enthusiastic about what their role is in the Church, and willing to go that extra mile to see the Kingdom of Christ grow in our community.

By starting this Chapter here, these women have joined an international Order of women, working and praying for others.